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Amlogic - Set-top box adventures
misc/reversing-gxbb-bl2.gitReverse-engineering notes of Amlogic BL2 on S905Ferass6 days
misc/trustedfirmware-a.git[Abandonned] WIP port of Arm Trusted Firmware-A BL2 to Amlogic SoCsFerass22 months
misc/u-boot-kii-pro.gitU-Boot fork with work-in-progress stuffFerass18 months
utils/acsbaby.gitParse Amlogic acs.bin binariesFerass7 weeks
Archives - Not maintained
archive/amlogic-bl2.gitOld Amlogic BL2 sources, before commit 'BL2 Closed-Source'Ferass22 months
archive/dwmblocks.gitOld DWMBlocks buildFerass3 years
archive/opencl-experiment.gitNothing to see hereFerass3 years
archive/redmine-theme.gitOld redmine theme, from when vitali64.duckdns.org/redmine was a thingFerass3 years
archive/sucklessdwm.gitOld DWM buildFerass2 years
archive/sucklessst.gitOld St buildFerass3 years
archive/sucklesstabbed.gitOld Tabbed buildFerass3 years
archive/website-template.gitThere's nothingFerass
Dotfiles - Various configuration files
dotfiles/bashrc.gitMirBSD KSH configuration filesFerass16 months
dotfiles/dwl.gitDWM for Wayland buildFerass2 years
dotfiles/popsome.gitOld AwesomeWM dotfiles, not migrated from GitLab yetFerass
dotfiles/vim.gitNeoVim dotfilesFerass21 months
dotfiles/waybar.gitWaybar dotfilesFerass2 years
Infra - Powers vitali64.duckdns.org
misc/blog.vitali64.duckdns.org.gitf_'s blogFerass16 months
misc/laboratory.vitali64.duckdns.org.gitLaboratory patchFerass2 years
misc/matterbridge.gitSoft-fork of Matterbridge, a bridge for multiple protocols, upstream URL: https:...Ferass
misc/soju.gitSoft-fork of the excellent soju IRC bouncer, upstream URL: https://codeberg.org/...Ferass
misc/utils.vitali64.duckdns.org.gitThe fases websiteFerass8 months
misc/vitali64.duckdns.org.gitMain websiteFerass8 months
utils/matterpuppeter.gitAPI plugin for MatterbridgeFerass7 weeks
Other - Doesn't fit into any category
misc/asciiduckbot.gitHorrible IRC DuckBot written in bashFerass14 months
misc/coreboot.gitOld coreboot fork, please use upstreamFerass3 years
misc/lbmk.gitOld libreboot fork, please use upstreamFerass3 years
misc/relixbot.gitSimple Matrix-IRC relay botFerass12 months
misc/u-boot.org.gitWebsite proposed for use by the U-Boot projectFerass15 months
The fases suite - Simple coreutils for a fully functional UNIX-like system
misc/fases-linux.gitOutdatedFerass2 years
utils/fases.gitThe main repo, has POSIX utils and non-POSIX extrautilsFerass7 months
Web - WSGI apps and static generators
utils/bin.gitA simple pastebinFerass2 years
utils/laboratory.gitA GitLab frontendFerass20 months
utils/learn.gitA static documentation generatorFerass3 years
utils/minifiedwhoogle-search.gitNothing to see hereFerass
utils/seen.gitSimple blog generatorFerass3 years