# GX BootROM notes Sample bootROM UART log of a successful boot on Amlogic S805Y: `GXL:BL1:9ac50e:bb16dc;FEAT:BDFD71BC:0;POC:3;RCY:0;EMMC:0;READ:0;0.0;0.0;CHK:0;` ### Status messages * `GXL:BL1:9ac50e:bb16dc`: Indicates SoC generation, git commit hash (?) * `FEAT`: Dump of `SECUREBOOT_FLAG` (`0xc8100228`): * `POC`: POC pin * `RCY`: If HDMI boot dongle is plugged in, this is `1`, else `0` ### Boot device status * `EMMC`/`SD`/`SPI`/`USB`/`NAND`: Supported boot devices * `CHK`: Image/Payload checks * `0`: Success, no error * `A7`: Wrong magic (!= `@AML`) or version number * `C7`: Wrong header size or digest offset * `CF`: Payload size or offset too big ### EFUSE/OTP Where many settings are set, e.g. regarding SecureBoot. A copy of it is available at `0xd9013c00` (in AHB SRAM). The AES key and IV are located at `0xd9013c50` and `0xd9013c70` respectively. On a secureboot-enabled device, they can be dumped easily using [amlogic-usbdl](https://fredericb.info/2021/02/amlogic-usbdl-unsigned-code-loader-for-amlogic-bootrom.html). [Will do more research later]