Contributions Want to contribute to `fases`? Great! Here are some recommendations to make sure your patch can be accepted. Write useful commit names ------------------------- This is important. Many people write commit names that aren't serious. Here are examples of commit names you should **not** use: * "jenius fix" ; * "Update cat.c" ; * "aaa" ; * "replace horrible head with okay head". There are many other bad commit names you shouldn't use. Here are examples of commit names you **should** use: * "core/wc: Error handling." ; * "Makefile: Fix bugs in the test suite" ; * "sh: Move error handling to parseCommand()". Commit descriptions can also be added, but they're not needed: * "sh: Add support for comments" ; Example: $ echo 'Hello World' # Hello World This is now possible. * "docs/: Finally add a license" The license used is a slightly-modified version of the FreeBSD Documentation permissive License, compatible with the GNU Free Documentation License. The coding style ---------------- See [the coding style](/CODING_STYLE.html) Use `git send-email` -------------------- `fases` is mirrored on lots of Git forges, including some that support "Pull Requests". The usual, prefered way of sending patches is to use `git send-email`. Please do prefix the repo you want to patch ('[PATCH fases.git]'). See []( You may also push your changes to a public repo and request that these changes be pulled to the main repo.