Build a fases+linux system While the `fases` project isn't complete by any means, there has been some effort into making a minimal standalone operating system out of it, using `linux` as the kernel. This combination is called `fases+linux`. Preparation ----------- We need a root filesystem. First, create a work directory, like so: $ mkdir fasespluslinux $ cd fasespluslinux Create the root filesystem: $ mkdir rootfs $ cd rootfs $ mkdir bin etc root $ cd .. Now that we have a (incomplete) root filesystem, we need to compile `fases`. You can compile `fases` separately or in a single binary; refer to [the compiling instructions](/COMPILE.html) for more info. You do need to link statically. We recommend using the musl libc if on a GNU+Linux system or on an Alpine(-based) system. After compiling `fases`, you can copy the binary/binaries to `rootfs/bin/`. For example, if you built `fases box`: $ cd fases <...> $ cd .. $ cp fases/box rootfs/bin/box As the `fases` shell still isn't complete, it's encouraged to use a different shell implementation for the time being. If you want to use `dash`, for example: # These commands will only work on a GNU system! $ git clone $ cd dash $ ./ $ ./configure CFLAGS=-static # Static linking. $ make Copy the `dash` binary to `rootfs/bin/`. $ cd .. $ cp dash/src/dash rootfs/bin/ Go back to the rootfs: $ cd rootfs Now we need to create an `etc/passwd` file. Create it and add the following: root::0:0::/root:/bin/dash Replace `/bin/dash` with whatever shell you used. Optionally create an `etc/os-release` file: NAME="fases+linux" PRETTY_NAME="fases plus linux" ID=fasespluslinux BUILD_ID=rolling ANSI_COLOR="';36" HOME_URL="" DOCUMENTATION_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" LOGO=fases Feel free to modify this file to your liking. Create the `init` file. Feel free to modify it to your liking: #!/bin/dash # If you compiled fases box and want everything symlinked. for u in basename cat chmod chown date dirname echo false head link ln ls \ mkdir more mv printf rm sleep tail test true uname unlink do box ln -s "/bin/box" "/bin/$u" done echo "Welcome to fases+linux!" exec dash Replace `/bin/dash` with whatever shell you used. Now clone the `linux` source tree. You can use any source tree of your choice, such as `linux-libre` or `linux-zen`. $ cd .. $ git clone $ cd linux Configure the kernel. Make at least the following selections: General Setup ---> Default init path /init [*] Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support Initramfs source file(s) ../rootfs/ Executable file formats ---> [*] Kernel support for ELF binaries [*] Kernel supports for scripts starting with #! Device Drivers ---> Character devices ---> [*] Enable TTY Generic Driver Options --> [*] Maintain a devtmpfs filesystem to mount at /dev [*] Automount devtmpfs at /dev, after the kernel mounted the rootfs Build ----- That's a very trivial process. In the kernel source tree, run: $ make # -jX if you want multithreading. And watch it compile! Run --- The image is located at `arch/$ARCH/boot/$IMAGE`. This is not a disk image, in that, you cannot boot it directly. You need to use a bootloader to load it. You can also use QEMU to boot it up, like so: $ qemu-system-x86_64 -kernel ... Have fun!