## # Matterpuppeter configuration # Also see the README for more information on how to get it working. ## # # IRC config # irc: # The IRC network/server host to connect to. # Default: "localhost" host: "localhost" # The port to connect to, on the IRC server. Typically this is 6667 for # plain, and 6697 for TLS. It is recommended to connect via TLS. # Default: 6667 port: 6667 # Enable this if you wish to connect to a port via TLS. # Default: false tls: false # The main bot's nickname. This bot will listen to messages on channels # mentionned below. # Default: "Matterpuppeter" nick: "Matterpuppeter" # The gecos or realname we want to bot to have. # Default: "Matterbridge" gecos: "Matterbridge" # How many characters can be in a single message. IRC has a limit of 512 # bytes, including the sender's nick!user@host, the command, target, etc. # 380 here should be fine, unless you end up with extremely long nicknames. # Default: 380 message_limit: 380 # How many puppets can be created. This depends on the network you're connecting # to, most networks have limits on how many connections can come from a # single host. Typically limits can be relaxed by requesting IRC network # operators an I-Line and using an ident daemon. # Default: 6 client_limit: 6 # SASL configuration sasl: # If SASL authentication to e.g. NickServ should be enabled. Note that # this requires that the network support SASL PLAIN (see the "sasl" # IRCv3 CAP). If the network you're connecting to does not support # SASL PLAIN, miniirc (IRC lib) will fallback to automatically messaging # NickServ directly. # Default: false enable: false username: "foobar" password: "hunter2" # # Pastebin config # # Sometimes people on other protocols paste long code blocks in the chat, which # can spam IRC. When pastebinning is enabled, Matterpuppeter will replace any # long code blocks with a link. Pastebinning long messages (in general, not just # code blocks) is currently not implemented. # paste: # Enable pastebinning. # Default: false enable: false # On which domain pastebins will be served # Default: "https://my.paste.bin/" domain: "https://my.paste.bin/" # On which directory pastes will be dropped in. The directory *must* already # exist. # Default: "/pastes" dir: "/pastes" # Maximum number of lines for a code block before it gets pastebinned. 5 is # a sensible limit. The limit should not be too small, else that may annoy # users, who have to open a link just to read e.g. one line of text/code. # Default: 5 maxlines: 5 # # Ident config # # To identify puppets Matterpuppeter provides compatibility with the oidentd # ident daemon. # ident: # Enable identd. # Default: false enable: false # oidentd user configuration file (must be empty and read-writeable) # Default: ".oidentd.conf" file: ".oidentd.conf" # Format used to write to the ident file. %user% is replaced by the user-id # hash. # Default: "global { reply \"%user%\" }" format: "global { reply \"%user%\" }" # Ident the bot will use. # Default: "listener" username: "listener" # # Matterbridge API config # api: # Host on which the matterbridge API is listening on. This is `BindAddress` # on the Matterbridge configuration file `matterbridge.toml` host: "http://localhost:4242" # The account name set in matterbridge.toml. account: "api.liberap" # # Matterbridge gateways # # This depends on which gateways you configured in matterbridge.toml # [gateway]. # gateway: "gateway1": "#channel"