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Diffstat (limited to 'matterpuppeter.py')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/matterpuppeter.py b/matterpuppeter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f872d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matterpuppeter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0
+# Written by: Ferass El Hafidi <vitali64pmemail@protonmail.com>
+from sys import exit
+import json
+import string
+import socket
+import requests
+import miniirc
+import hashlib
+import yaml
+import re
+from time import sleep
+from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter, Retry
+puppets = {}
+def connect_new_puppet(nickname, user_id, gaccount):
+ if not puppets.get(gaccount):
+ puppets[gaccount] = {}
+ try:
+ print("* Puppet %s already connected, skipping" % puppets[gaccount][user_id])
+ if puppets[gaccount][user_id].connected == True:
+ return puppets[gaccount][user_id]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ # If there's too many puppets, disconnect the oldest one
+ if len(puppets[gaccount]) == client_limit:
+ puppets[gaccount][0].disconnect(msg="Connection closed for inactivity")
+ puppets[gaccount].pop(0)
+ # Sanitize nickname
+ allowed_chars = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + "^|\\-_[]{}"
+ sanitized_nickname = nickname
+ for char in sanitized_nickname:
+ if char not in allowed_chars:
+ # Try to represent illegal characters with similar, allowed ones
+ if char == "(" or char == "<":
+ sanitized_nickname = sanitized_nickname.replace(char, "[")
+ elif char == ")" or char == ">":
+ sanitized_nickname = sanitized_nickname.replace(char, "]")
+ elif char == "/":
+ sanitized_nickname = sanitized_nickname.replace(char, "|")
+ elif char == "." or char == " ":
+ sanitized_nickname = sanitized_nickname.replace(char, "_")
+ else:
+ sanitized_nickname = sanitized_nickname.replace(char, "-")
+ if sanitized_nickname[0] in string.digits + '-':
+ sanitized_nickname = "_" + sanitized_nickname
+ if (sanitized_nickname.endswith("Serv") or "." in nickname) and gaccount.startswith("irc."):
+ print("* Not creating puppet of a network service/server (%s)", sanitized_nickname)
+ return
+ print("* Connecting new puppet %s (user_id %s) as %s" % (nickname,
+ user_id, sanitized_nickname))
+ puppets[gaccount][user_id] = miniirc.IRC(
+ irc_host,
+ irc_port,
+ sanitized_nickname,
+ realname="%s [%s]" % (user_id, gaccount),
+ auto_connect=False,
+ debug=False,
+ ssl=irc_tls,
+ persist=False,
+ quit_message="quit"
+ )
+ puppets[gaccount][user_id].Handler('PRIVMSG', colon=False)(fail_on_pm)
+ userid_hash = hashlib.sha3_224(bytes(user_id, "utf-8"))
+ write_ident_file(str(userid_hash.hexdigest()))
+ puppets[gaccount][user_id].connect()
+ while puppets[gaccount][user_id].connected != True:
+ pass
+ return puppets[gaccount][user_id]
+def write_ident_file(ident):
+ if ident_enabled:
+ print("* Writing to ident file for oidentd/ident2")
+ with open(ident_file, 'w') as file:
+ file.write(ident_fmt.replace("%user%", ident))
+def get_puppet_client(gaccount, user_id):
+ try:
+ ret = puppets[gaccount][user_id]
+ except KeyError:
+ print("* Error finding puppet client %s (%s)" % (user_id, gaccount))
+ return None
+ return ret
+def on_irc_msg(irc, hostmask, args):
+ nick = hostmask[0]
+ channel = args[0]
+ message = args[-1]
+ for gw in puppets:
+ for puppet in puppets[gw]:
+ if puppets[gw][puppet].nick == nick:
+ return # don't act on own messages
+ # Get on which gateway it was sent
+ for gw in gateways:
+ if gateways[gw] == channel:
+ gateway = gw
+ break
+ else:
+ return
+ # Craft API message
+ api_message = {
+ "text": message,
+ "username": nick,
+ "userid": hostmask[1] + "@" + hostmask[2],
+ "gateway": gateway
+ }
+ print("* Sending messages to gateway")
+ req = requests.post(f"{api_host}/api/message", json=api_message)
+def api_loop():
+ away = False
+ sess = requests.Session()
+ sess_retries = Retry(total=10000,
+ backoff_factor=0.1,
+ status_forcelist=[ 500, 502, 503, 504 ])
+ sess.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=sess_retries))
+ sess.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=sess_retries))
+ while True:
+ req = sess.get(f"{api_host}/api/stream", stream=True)
+ try:
+ for line in req.iter_lines():
+ if line:
+ # Unset away status for all puppets
+ if away:
+ for gw in puppets:
+ for puppet in puppets[gw]:
+ puppets[gw][puppet].send("AWAY")
+ away = False
+ message = json.loads(line.decode('utf-8'))
+ if message.get("message") == "Not Found":
+ print("Error: Channel not found: %s" % channel)
+ return -1
+ if message["event"] == "api_connected":
+ print("Connected!")
+ elif message["event"] == "" or message["event"] == "user_action": # XXX: Probably a message
+ channel = gateways[message["gateway"]]
+ print("Bridging message event")
+ # Connect puppet if it does not exist already
+ puppet = connect_new_puppet(message["username"], message["userid"], message["account"])
+ if puppet:
+ # Have the puppet join the channel if it isn't joined already
+ puppet.send("JOIN", channel)
+ # Parse message for long code blocks
+ if paste_enabled:
+ code_blocks = re.findall("^\\`\\`\\`(.*?)^\\`\\`\\`", message["text"], flags=re.S + re.M)
+ for code_block in code_blocks:
+ if code_block.count("\n") > paste_maxlines:
+ cb_checksum = hashlib.sha3_224(bytes(code_block, "utf-8"))
+ file = cb_checksum.hexdigest() + ".txt"
+ message["text"] = message["text"].replace("```" + code_block + "```", "%s%s" % (paste_domain, file))
+ with open(paste_dir + "/" + file, mode='w') as file_paste:
+ print(code_block, file=file_paste)
+ else:
+ # Remove trailing ```'s
+ message["text"] = message["text"].replace("```" + code_block + "```", code_block)
+ # Send the message
+ for line in message["text"].split("\n"):
+ if len(line) >= irc_msglen:
+ # Hacky...
+ buf = ""
+ i = 0
+ for char in line:
+ i += 1
+ if len(buf) < irc_msglen and i != (len(line) - 1):
+ buf += char
+ elif len(buf) == irc_msglen or i == (len(line) - 1):
+ puppet.msg(channel, buf)
+ buf = ""
+ else:
+ if line != "":
+ if message["event"] == "user_action":
+ puppet.me(channel, line)
+ else:
+ puppet.msg(channel, line)
+ sleep(0.5)
+ elif message["event"] == "join":
+ channel = gateways[message["gateway"]]
+ print("Bridging join event")
+ # Connect puppet if it does not exist already
+ puppet = connect_new_puppet(message["username"], message["userid"], message["account"])
+ if puppet:
+ # Have the puppet join the channel
+ puppet.send("JOIN", channel)
+ elif message["event"] == "leave":
+ channel = gateways[message["gateway"]]
+ # Check if puppet exists
+ puppet = get_puppet_client(message["account"], message["userid"])
+ if puppet == None:
+ # We have nothing to do
+ continue
+ puppet.send("PART", channel, "Leaving")
+ except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError,
+ requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError):
+ print("Disconnected from Matterbridge")
+ # Set away status for all puppets
+ if away == False:
+ away = True
+ for gw in puppets:
+ for puppet in puppets[gw]:
+ puppets[gw][puppet].send("AWAY", "Matterbridge disconnected")
+ continue
+def fail_on_pm(irc, hostmask, args):
+ nick = hostmask[0]
+ target = args[0]
+ if "\x01" in args[1]:
+ return
+ if target == irc.nick:
+ irc.msg(nick, "[Automated message] This is a bridged puppet, private messages are currently unsupported - message not sent.")
+def on_irc_kick(irc, hostmask, args):
+ print("* Got kick")
+ if irc.nick == hostmask[0]:
+ print("* Trying to rejoin channel")
+ irc.join(args[0])
+def clear_ident_file(irc, hostmask, args):
+ if ident_enabled:
+ print("* Clearing ident file")
+ # Clear ident file
+ with open(ident_file, 'w') as file:
+ file.write("\n")
+def main():
+ # Set CTCP VERSION reply
+ miniirc.version = "Matterpuppeter ยท https://git.vitali64.duckdns.org/utils/matterpuppeter.git"
+ # Set handlers
+ miniirc.Handler('001')(clear_ident_file) # Global handler
+ # Write ident for the bot
+ write_ident_file(ident_bot)
+ # Connect to IRC
+ irc = miniirc.IRC(
+ irc_host,
+ irc_port,
+ irc_nick,
+ realname=irc_gecos,
+ debug=False,
+ ssl=irc_tls,
+ ns_identity=sasl_auth if sasl_enabled else None,
+ quit_message="shutting down",
+ auto_connect=True,
+ persist=True
+ )
+ irc.Handler('PRIVMSG', colon=False)(on_irc_msg)
+ irc.Handler('NOTICE', colon=False)(on_irc_msg)
+ irc.Handler('KICK', colon=False)(on_irc_kick)
+ for gateway in gateways:
+ irc.send("JOIN", gateways[gateway])
+ api_loop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ with open("config.yaml") as file:
+ config = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
+ try:
+ mb_account = config["api"]["account"]
+ irc_host = config["irc"]["host"]
+ irc_port = config["irc"]["port"]
+ irc_tls = config["irc"]["tls"]
+ irc_nick = config["irc"]["nick"]
+ irc_gecos = config["irc"]["gecos"]
+ irc_msglen = config["irc"]["message_limit"]
+ api_host = config["api"]["host"]
+ ident_enabled = config["ident"]["enable"]
+ if ident_enabled:
+ ident_file = config["ident"]["file"]
+ ident_fmt = config["ident"]["format"]
+ ident_bot = config["ident"]["username"]
+ client_limit = config["irc"]["client_limit"]
+ paste_enabled = config["paste"]["enable"]
+ if paste_enabled:
+ paste_dir = config["paste"]["dir"]
+ paste_domain = config["paste"]["domain"]
+ paste_maxlines = config["paste"]["maxlines"]
+ sasl_enabled = config["irc"]["sasl"]["enable"]
+ if sasl_enabled:
+ sasl_auth = (config["irc"]["sasl"]["username"],
+ config["irc"]["sasl"]["password"])
+ gateways = config["gateway"]
+ except KeyError:
+ print("Error: Configuration file is missing options")
+ exit(1)
+ main()