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authorFerass El Hafidi <vitali64pmemail@protonmail.com>2023-05-08 19:03:10 +0200
committerFerass El Hafidi <vitali64pmemail@protonmail.com>2023-05-08 19:03:10 +0200
commitf9ed707f171c8069e99e24e24c3da73d8b6f5716 (patch)
tree4da9838d387c8bc260e83f3f51f5dfa83e0b48ae /plat/gxb/ddr
Push old Amlogic BL2 sourcesHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'plat/gxb/ddr')
7 files changed, 2717 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plat/gxb/ddr/ddr.c b/plat/gxb/ddr/ddr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68438c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plat/gxb/ddr/ddr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,863 @@
+ * arch/arm/cpu/armv8/common/firmware/plat/gxb/ddr/ddr.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "ddr_pctl_define.h"
+#include "ddr_pub_define.h"
+#include "dmc_define.h"
+#include "mmc_define.h"
+#include "sec_mmc_define.h"
+#include <timer.h>
+#include <asm/arch/ddr.h>
+#include <asm/arch/secure_apb.h>
+#include <pll.h>
+#include <config.h>
+#include <asm/arch/cpu.h>
+#include <asm/arch/timing.h>
+#include <memtest.h>
+#include <asm/arch/watchdog.h>
+#include <cache.h>
+#include "timing.c"
+#include "ddr_detect.c"
+static ddr_set_t * p_ddr_set = &__ddr_setting;
+static ddr_timing_t * p_ddr_timing = NULL;
+static unsigned int ddr0_enabled;
+static unsigned int ddr1_enabled;
+unsigned int ddr_init(void){
+ /*detect hot boot or cold boot*/
+ //if(hot_boot()){
+ // serial_puts("hot boot, skip ddr init!\n");
+ // return 0;
+ //}
+ ddr_init_pll();
+ ddr_pre_init();
+ ddr_init_pctl();
+ ddr_init_dmc();
+ ddr_print_info();
+//can not enable ddr test on pxp, for kernel and dtb already load in ddr
+ ddr_test();
+ }
+ ddr_test();
+ return 0;
+unsigned int ddr_init_pll(void){
+ wr_reg(P_AM_ANALOG_TOP_REG1, rd_reg(P_AM_ANALOG_TOP_REG1) | (1<<0));
+ wr_reg(P_HHI_MPLL_CNTL5, rd_reg(P_HHI_MPLL_CNTL5) | (1<<0));
+ wr_reg(AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL4, rd_reg(AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL4) & (~(1<<12)));
+ wr_reg(AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL4, rd_reg(AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL4)|(1<<12));
+ _udelay(10);
+ /* set ddr pll reg */
+ if ((p_ddr_set->ddr_clk >= CONFIG_DDR_CLK_LOW) && (p_ddr_set->ddr_clk < 750)) {
+ // OD N M
+ p_ddr_set->ddr_pll_ctrl = (2 << 16) | (1 << 9) | ((((p_ddr_set->ddr_clk/6)*6)/12) << 0);
+ }
+ else if((p_ddr_set->ddr_clk >= 750) && (p_ddr_set->ddr_clk < CONFIG_DDR_CLK_HIGH)) {
+ // OD N M
+ p_ddr_set->ddr_pll_ctrl = (1 << 16) | (1 << 9) | ((((p_ddr_set->ddr_clk/12)*12)/24) << 0);
+ }
+ /* if enabled, change ddr pll setting */
+ serial_puts("STICKY_REG0: 0x");
+ serial_put_hex(rd_reg(P_PREG_STICKY_REG0), 32);
+ serial_puts("\n");
+ serial_puts("STICKY_REG1: 0x");
+ serial_put_hex(rd_reg(P_PREG_STICKY_REG1), 32);
+ serial_puts("\n");
+ if ((rd_reg(P_PREG_STICKY_REG0)>>20) == 0xf13) {
+ unsigned zqcr = rd_reg(P_PREG_STICKY_REG0) & 0xfffff;
+ if (0 == zqcr)
+ zqcr = p_ddr_set->t_pub_zq0pr;
+ serial_puts("ZQCR: 0x");
+ serial_put_hex(p_ddr_set->t_pub_zq0pr, 32);
+ serial_puts(" -> 0x");
+ serial_put_hex(zqcr, 32);
+ serial_puts("\n");
+ p_ddr_set->t_pub_zq0pr = zqcr;
+ p_ddr_set->t_pub_zq1pr = zqcr;
+ p_ddr_set->t_pub_zq2pr = zqcr;
+ p_ddr_set->t_pub_zq3pr = zqcr;
+ serial_puts("PLL : 0x");
+ serial_put_hex(p_ddr_set->ddr_pll_ctrl, 32);
+ serial_puts(" -> 0x");
+ serial_put_hex(rd_reg(P_PREG_STICKY_REG1), 32);
+ serial_puts("\n");
+ p_ddr_set->ddr_pll_ctrl = rd_reg(P_PREG_STICKY_REG1);
+ wr_reg(P_PREG_STICKY_REG0,0);
+ wr_reg(P_PREG_STICKY_REG1,0);
+ }
+ /* ddr pll init */
+ do {
+ //wr_reg(AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL1, 0x1);
+ wr_reg(AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL, (1<<29));
+ wr_reg(AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL, ((1<<29) | (p_ddr_set->ddr_pll_ctrl)));
+ wr_reg(AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL, rd_reg(AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL)&(~(1<<29)));
+ _udelay(200);
+ }while(pll_lock_check(AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL, "DDR PLL"));
+ /* Enable the DDR DLL clock input from PLL */
+ wr_reg(DDR_CLK_CNTL, 0xb0000000);
+ wr_reg(DDR_CLK_CNTL, 0xb0000000);
+ /* update ddr_clk */
+ unsigned int ddr_pll = rd_reg(AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL)&(~(1<<29));
+ unsigned int ddr_clk = 2*(((24 * (ddr_pll&0x1ff))/((ddr_pll>>9)&0x1f))>>((ddr_pll>>16)&0x3));
+ p_ddr_set->ddr_clk = ddr_clk;
+ return 0;
+void ddr_print_info(void){
+ if (p_ddr_set->ddr_size_detect)
+ ddr_size_detect(p_ddr_set);
+ unsigned int dmc_reg = rd_reg(DMC_DDR_CTRL);
+ unsigned char ddr_2t_mode = 0;
+ unsigned char ddr_chl = DDR_USE_2_CHANNEL(p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set);
+ /* 0:1t, 1:2t, 2:f2t(force) */
+ ddr_2t_mode = ((rd_reg(DDR0_PCTL_MCFG) >> 3) & 0x1);
+ if (p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set == CONFIG_DDR01_SHARE_AC)
+ ddr_2t_mode = 2;
+ for (int i=0; i<=ddr_chl; i++) {
+ /* ddr info */
+ serial_puts("DDR");
+ serial_put_dec(i);
+ serial_puts(": ");
+ serial_put_dec(1 << (((dmc_reg>>(3*i)) & 0x7)+7));
+ serial_puts("MB");
+ if (p_ddr_set->ddr_size_detect)
+ serial_puts("(auto)");
+ serial_puts(" @ ");
+ serial_put_dec(p_ddr_set->ddr_clk);
+ serial_puts("MHz(");
+ serial_puts(((ddr_2t_mode==2)?"F1T":((ddr_2t_mode==1)?"2T":"1T")));
+ serial_puts(")-");
+ serial_put_dec(p_ddr_set->ddr_timing_ind);
+ serial_puts("\n");
+ }
+ /* write ddr size to reg */
+ wr_reg(SEC_AO_SEC_GP_CFG0, ((rd_reg(SEC_AO_SEC_GP_CFG0) & 0x0000ffff) | ((p_ddr_set->ddr_size) << 16)));
+unsigned int ddr_init_dmc(void){
+ unsigned int ddr0_size = 0, ddr1_size = 0;
+ unsigned int ddr0_size_reg = 0, ddr1_size_reg = 0;
+// unsigned int i=0, j=0, convert_reg_size = 6;
+ /* transfer correct dmc ctrl setting */
+ unsigned int ddr_one_chl = DDR_USE_1_CHANNEL(p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set);
+ ddr0_size = (p_ddr_set->ddr_size)>>(7-ddr_one_chl);
+ ddr1_size = ddr_one_chl?0x7:((p_ddr_set->ddr_size)>>7);
+ ddr1_size_reg=ddr_one_chl?0x5:0x0;
+ while (!((ddr0_size>>=1)&0x1))
+ ddr0_size_reg++;
+ while (!((ddr1_size>>=1)&0x1))
+ ddr1_size_reg++;
+ p_ddr_set->ddr_dmc_ctrl &= (~0x3f); //clear ddr capacity reg bits
+ p_ddr_set->ddr_dmc_ctrl |= ((ddr0_size_reg)|(ddr1_size_reg<<3));
+ wr_reg(DMC_DDR_CTRL, p_ddr_set->ddr_dmc_ctrl);
+ if ((p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set == CONFIG_DDR01_SHARE_AC)||
+ (p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set == CONFIG_DDR0_ONLY_16BIT))//jiaxing find use 16bit channel 0 only must write map0-4?
+ {
+ //CONIFG DDR PHY comamnd address map to 32bits linear address.
+ //DDR0 ROW 14:0. DDR1 ROW 13:0. COL 9:0.
+ wr_reg( DDR0_ADDRMAP_0, ( 0 | 5 << 5 | 6 << 10 | 7 << 15 | 8 << 20 | 9 << 25 ));
+ wr_reg( DDR0_ADDRMAP_1, ( 13| 30<< 5 | 0 << 10 | 10 << 15 | 11 << 20 | 12 << 25 ));
+ //wr_reg( DDR0_ADDRMAP_1, ( 0| 0 << 5 | 0 << 10 | 10 << 15 | 11 << 20 | 12 << 25 ));
+ wr_reg( DDR0_ADDRMAP_2, ( 16| 17 << 5 | 18 << 10 | 19 << 15 | 20 << 20 | 21 << 25 ));
+ wr_reg( DDR0_ADDRMAP_3, ( 22| 23 << 5 | 24 << 10 | 25 << 15 | 26 << 20 | 27 << 25 ));
+ wr_reg( DDR0_ADDRMAP_4, ( 29| 14 << 5 | 15 << 10 | 28 << 15 | 0 << 20 | 0 << 25 ));
+ wr_reg( DDR1_ADDRMAP_0, ( 0 | 5 << 5 | 6 << 10 | 7 << 15 | 8 << 20 | 9 << 25 ));
+ wr_reg( DDR1_ADDRMAP_1, ( 13| 30<< 5 | 0 << 10 | 10 << 15 | 11 << 20 | 12 << 25 ));
+ //wr_reg( DDR1_ADDRMAP_1, ( 13| 0 << 5 | 0 << 10 | 10 << 15 | 11 << 20 | 12 << 25 ));
+ wr_reg( DDR1_ADDRMAP_2, ( 16| 17 << 5 | 18 << 10 | 19 << 15 | 20 << 20 | 21 << 25 ));
+ wr_reg( DDR1_ADDRMAP_3, ( 22| 23 << 5 | 24 << 10 | 25 << 15 | 26 << 20 | 27 << 25 ));
+ wr_reg( DDR1_ADDRMAP_4, ( 29| 14 << 5 | 15 << 10 | 28 << 15 | 0 << 20 | 0 << 25 ));
+ }
+ else if(p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set == CONFIG_DDR0_RANK01_SAME){
+ //wr_reg( DDR0_ADDRMAP_1, ( 11| 0 << 5 | 0 << 10 | 0 << 15 | 15 << 20 | 16 << 25 ));
+ wr_reg( DDR0_ADDRMAP_1, ( 11| 31 << 5 | 0 << 10 | 14 << 15 | 15 << 20 | 16 << 25 ));
+ wr_reg( DDR0_ADDRMAP_4, ( 30| 12 << 5 | 13 << 10 | 29 << 15 | 0 << 20 | 0 << 25 ));
+ }
+ else if(p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set == CONFIG_DDR0_RANK01_DIFF){
+ //wr_reg( DDR0_ADDRMAP_1, ( 11| 0 << 5 | 0 << 10 | 0 << 15 | 15 << 20 | 16 << 25 ));
+ wr_reg( DDR0_ADDRMAP_1, ( 11| 31 << 5 | 0 << 10 | 14 << 15 | 15 << 20 | 16 << 25 ));
+ wr_reg( DDR0_ADDRMAP_4, ( 0| 12 << 5 | 13 << 10 | 29 << 15 | 0 << 20 | 30 << 25 ));
+ }
+ wr_reg(DMC_PCTL_LP_CTRL, 0x440620);
+ //wr_reg(DDR0_APD_CTRL, 0x45);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_APD_CTRL, (0x20<<8)|(0x20));
+ wr_reg(DDR0_CLK_CTRL, 0x5);
+ // disable AXI port0 (CPU) IRQ/FIQ security control.
+ wr_reg(DMC_AXI0_QOS_CTRL1, 0x11);
+ //CONFIG DMC security register to enable the all reqeust can access all DDR region.
+ wr_reg(DMC_SEC_RANGE_CTRL, 0x0 );
+ wr_reg(DMC_SEC_CTRL, 0x80000000 );
+ wr_reg(DMC_SEC_AXI_PORT_CTRL, 0x55555555);
+ wr_reg(DMC_DEV_SEC_READ_CTRL, 0x55555555 );
+ wr_reg(DMC_DEV_SEC_WRITE_CTRL, 0x55555555 );
+ wr_reg(DMC_GE2D_SEC_CTRL, 0x15);
+ wr_reg(DMC_PARSER_SEC_CTRL, 0x5);
+ wr_reg(DMC_VPU_SEC_CFG, 0xffffffff);
+ wr_reg(DMC_VPU_SEC_WRITE_CTRL, 0x55555555 );
+ wr_reg(DMC_VPU_SEC_READ_CTRL, 0x55555555 );
+ wr_reg(DMC_VDEC_SEC_CFG, 0xffffffff);
+ wr_reg(DMC_VDEC_SEC_WRITE_CTRL, 0x55555555 );
+ wr_reg(DMC_VDEC_SEC_READ_CTRL, 0x55555555 );
+ wr_reg(DMC_HCODEC_SEC_CFG, 0xffffffff);
+ wr_reg(DMC_HCODEC_SEC_WRITE_CTRL, 0x55555555 );
+ wr_reg(DMC_HCODEC_SEC_READ_CTRL, 0x55555555 );
+ wr_reg(DMC_HEVC_SEC_CFG, 0xffffffff);
+ wr_reg(DMC_HEVC_SEC_WRITE_CTRL, 0x55555555 );
+ wr_reg(DMC_HEVC_SEC_READ_CTRL, 0x55555555 );
+ wr_reg(DMC_REQ_CTRL, 0xFFFF);
+ wr_reg(0xC1107d40, 0xbaadf00d);
+ __asm__ volatile("NOP");
+ __asm__ volatile("DMB SY");
+ __asm__ volatile("ISB");
+ //wr_reg(0xC1300000, 0x00000001);
+ //__asm__ volatile("ISB");
+ //__asm__ volatile("DMB SY");
+ return 0;
+unsigned int ddr_init_pctl(void){
+ ddr0_enabled = !(((p_ddr_set->ddr_dmc_ctrl) >> 7) & 0x1); //check if ddr1 only enabled
+ ddr1_enabled = !(((p_ddr_set->ddr_dmc_ctrl) >> 6) & 0x1); //check if ddr0 only enabled
+ wr_reg(DMC_SOFT_RST1, 0xFFFFFFFF);
+ //@@@ enable UPCTL and PUB clock and reset.
+ wr_reg(DMC_PCTL_LP_CTRL, 0x550620);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_SOFT_RESET, 0xf);
+ //wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_PTR0, p_ddr_set->t_pub_ptr[0]);
+ //wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_PTR1, p_ddr_set->t_pub_ptr[1]);
+ //wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_PTR3, p_ddr_set->t_pub_ptr[3]);
+ //wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_PTR4, p_ddr_set->t_pub_ptr[4]);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_IOVCR0, 0x49494949);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_IOVCR1, 0x49494949);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ODTCR, p_ddr_set->t_pub_odtcr);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_MR0, p_ddr_set->t_pub_mr[0]);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_MR1, p_ddr_set->t_pub_mr[1]);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_MR2, p_ddr_set->t_pub_mr[2]);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_MR3, p_ddr_set->t_pub_mr[3]);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DTPR0, p_ddr_set->t_pub_dtpr[0]);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DTPR1, p_ddr_set->t_pub_dtpr[1]);
+ //wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_PGCR0, p_ddr_set->t_pub_pgcr0); //Jiaxing debug low freq issue
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_PGCR1, p_ddr_set->t_pub_pgcr1);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_PGCR2, p_ddr_set->t_pub_pgcr2);
+ //wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_PGCR2, 0x00f05f97);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_PGCR3, p_ddr_set->t_pub_pgcr3);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DXCCR, p_ddr_set->t_pub_dxccr);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DTPR2, p_ddr_set->t_pub_dtpr[2]);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DTPR3, p_ddr_set->t_pub_dtpr[3]);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DTCR, p_ddr_set->t_pub_dtcr); //use mpr |(1<<6)
+ wait_set(DDR0_PUB_PGSR0, 0);
+ //wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DTCR, 0x430030c7);
+ //wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DTPR3, 0x2010a902); //tmp disable
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACIOCR1, 0);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACIOCR2, 0);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACIOCR3, 0);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACIOCR4, 0);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACIOCR5, 0);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX0GCR1, 0);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX0GCR2, 0);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX0GCR3, (0x1<<10)|(0x2<<12)); //power down dm recevier
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX1GCR1, 0);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX1GCR2, 0);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX1GCR3, (0x1<<10)|(0x2<<12));//power down dm recevier
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX2GCR1, 0);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX2GCR2, 0);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX2GCR3, (0x1<<10)|(0x2<<12));//power down dm recevier
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX3GCR1, 0);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX3GCR2, 0);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX3GCR3, (0x1<<10)|(0x2<<12));//power down dm recevier
+ // 2:0 011: DDR0_ MODE. 100: LPDDR2 MODE.
+ // 3: 8 BANK.
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DCR, p_ddr_set->t_pub_dcr); //use mpr |(1<<7)
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DTAR0, p_ddr_set->t_pub_dtar);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DTAR1, (0X8 | p_ddr_set->t_pub_dtar));
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DTAR2, (0X10 | p_ddr_set->t_pub_dtar));
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DTAR3, (0X18 | p_ddr_set->t_pub_dtar));
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_PIR, 0X581);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DSGCR, p_ddr_set->t_pub_dsgcr);
+ wait_set(DDR0_PUB_PGSR0, 0);
+ if (ddr0_enabled) {
+ // configure DDR0 IP.
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TOGCNT1U, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_1us_pck);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TOGCNT100N, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_100ns_pck);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TINIT, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_init_us); //20
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TRSTH, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_rsth_us); //50
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_MCFG, (p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_mcfg)|((p_ddr_set->ddr_2t_mode)?(1<<3):(0<<3)));
+ if (p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set == CONFIG_DDR01_SHARE_AC)
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_MCFG1, ((p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_mcfg1)&0xFFFFFF00));
+ else
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_MCFG1, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_mcfg1);
+ }
+ if (ddr1_enabled) {
+ // configure DDR1 IP.
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TOGCNT1U, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_1us_pck);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TOGCNT100N, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_100ns_pck);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TINIT, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_init_us); //20
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TRSTH, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_rsth_us); //50
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_MCFG, (p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_mcfg)|((p_ddr_set->ddr_2t_mode)?(1<<3):(0<<3)));
+ //wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_MCFG1, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_mcfg1);
+ if (p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set == CONFIG_DDR01_SHARE_AC)
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_MCFG1, ((p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_mcfg1)&0xFFFFFF00));
+ else
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_MCFG1, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_mcfg1);
+ }
+ _udelay(500);
+ if (ddr0_enabled) {
+ wait_set(DDR0_PCTL_DFISTSTAT0, 0);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_POWCTL, 1);
+ wait_set(DDR0_PCTL_POWSTAT, 0);
+ }
+ if (ddr1_enabled) {
+ wait_set(DDR1_PCTL_DFISTSTAT0, 0);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_POWCTL, 1);
+ wait_set(DDR1_PCTL_POWSTAT, 0);
+ }
+ if (ddr0_enabled) {
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TRFC, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rfc);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TREFI_MEM_DDR3, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_refi_mddr3);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TMRD, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_mrd);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TRP, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rp);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TAL, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_al);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TCWL, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cwl);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TCL, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cl);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TRAS, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_ras);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TRC, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rc);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TRCD, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rcd);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TRRD, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rrd);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TRTP, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rtp);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TWR, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_wr);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TWTR, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_wtr);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TEXSR, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_exsr);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TXP, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_xp);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TDQS, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_dqs);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TRTW, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rtw);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TCKSRE, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cksre);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TCKSRX, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cksrx);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TMOD, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_mod);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TCKE, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cke);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TCKESR, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cke+1);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TZQCS, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_zqcs);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TZQCL, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_zqcl);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TXPDLL, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_xpdll);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_TZQCSI, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_zqcsi);
+ }
+ if (ddr1_enabled) {
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TRFC, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rfc);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TREFI_MEM_DDR3, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_refi_mddr3);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TMRD, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_mrd);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TRP, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rp);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TAL, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_al);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TCWL, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cwl);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TCL, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cl);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TRAS, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_ras);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TRC, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rc);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TRCD, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rcd);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TRRD, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rrd);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TRTP, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rtp);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TWR, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_wr);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TWTR, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_wtr);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TEXSR, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_exsr);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TXP, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_xp);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TDQS, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_dqs);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TRTW, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rtw);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TCKSRE, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cksre);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TCKSRX, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cksrx);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TMOD, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_mod);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TCKE, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cke);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TCKESR, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cke+1);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TZQCS, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_zqcs);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TZQCL, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_zqcl);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TXPDLL, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_xpdll);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_TZQCSI, p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_zqcsi);
+ }
+ if (ddr0_enabled) {
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_SCFG, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_scfg);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_SCTL, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_sctl);
+ }
+ if (ddr1_enabled) {
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_SCFG, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_scfg);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_SCTL, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_sctl);
+ }
+ wr_reg(0xC1107d40, 0xdeadbeef);
+ // NEW HIU
+ wr_reg(0xC883c010, 0x88776655);
+ if (ddr0_enabled)
+ wait_set(DDR0_PCTL_STAT, 0);
+ if (ddr1_enabled)
+ wait_set(DDR1_PCTL_STAT, 0);
+ if (ddr0_enabled) {
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_PPCFG, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_ppcfg); /* 16bit or 32bit mode */
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_DFISTCFG0, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfistcfg0);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_DFISTCFG1, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfistcfg1);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_DFITCTRLDELAY, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitctrldelay);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_DFITPHYWRDATA, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitphywrdata);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_DFITPHYWRLAT, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitphywrlta);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_DFITRDDATAEN, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitrddataen);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_DFITPHYRDLAT, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitphyrdlat);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_DFITDRAMCLKDIS, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitdramclkdis);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_DFITDRAMCLKEN, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitdramclken);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_DFILPCFG0, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfilpcfg0);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_DFITPHYUPDTYPE1, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitphyupdtype1);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_DFITCTRLUPDMIN, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitctrlupdmin);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_DFIODTCFG, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfiodtcfg);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_DFIODTCFG1, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfiodtcfg1);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PCTL_CMDTSTATEN, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_cmdtstaten);
+ }
+ if (ddr1_enabled) {
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_PPCFG, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_ppcfg); /* 16bit or 32bit mode */
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_DFISTCFG0, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfistcfg0);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_DFISTCFG1, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfistcfg1);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_DFITCTRLDELAY, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitctrldelay);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_DFITPHYWRDATA, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitphywrdata);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_DFITPHYWRLAT, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitphywrlta);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_DFITRDDATAEN, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitrddataen);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_DFITPHYRDLAT, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitphyrdlat);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_DFITDRAMCLKDIS, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitdramclkdis);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_DFITDRAMCLKEN, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitdramclken);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_DFILPCFG0, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfilpcfg0);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_DFITPHYUPDTYPE1, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitphyupdtype1);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_DFITCTRLUPDMIN, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitctrlupdmin);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_DFIODTCFG, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfiodtcfg);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_DFIODTCFG1, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfiodtcfg1);
+ wr_reg(DDR1_PCTL_CMDTSTATEN, p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_cmdtstaten);
+ }
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ZQ0PR, p_ddr_set->t_pub_zq0pr);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ZQ1PR, p_ddr_set->t_pub_zq1pr);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ZQ2PR, p_ddr_set->t_pub_zq2pr);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ZQ3PR, p_ddr_set->t_pub_zq3pr);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_PIR, 3);
+ wait_set(DDR0_PUB_PGSR0, 0);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ZQCR,(rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_ZQCR))|(1<<2)|(1<<27)); //jiaxing debug must force update
+ _udelay(10);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ZQCR,(rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_ZQCR))&(~((1<<2)|(1<<27))));
+ _udelay(30);
+ if (p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set == CONFIG_DDR0_ONLY_16BIT)
+ {
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX2GCR0, (0xfffffffe&rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX2GCR0)));
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX3GCR0, (0xfffffffe&rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX3GCR0)));
+ }
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACLCDLR, DDR_AC_LCDLR); //ck0
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR0, DDR_CK0_BDL); //ck0
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR1, (DDR_WE_BDL<<16)|(DDR_CAS_BDL<<8)|(DDR_RAS_BDL)); //ras cas we
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR2, ((DDR_ACPDD_BDL<<24)|(DDR_BA2_BDL<<16)|(DDR_BA1_BDL<<8)|(DDR_BA0_BDL))); //ba0 ba1 ba2
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR3, ((DDR_CS1_BDL<<8)|(DDR_CS0_BDL))); //cs0 cs1
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR4, ((DDR_ODT1_BDL<<8)|(DDR_ODT0_BDL))); //odt0 odt1
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR5, ((DDR_CKE1_BDL<<8)|(DDR_CKE0_BDL))); //cke0 cke1
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR6, ((DDR_A3_BDL<<24)|(DDR_A2_BDL<<16)|(DDR_A1_BDL<<8)|(DDR_A0_BDL))); //a0 a1 a2 a3
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR7, ((DDR_A7_BDL<<24)|(DDR_A6_BDL<<16)|(DDR_A5_BDL<<8)|(DDR_A4_BDL))); //a4 a5 a6 a7
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR8, ((DDR_A11_BDL<<24)|(DDR_A10_BDL<<16)|(DDR_A9_BDL<<8)|(DDR_A8_BDL))); //a8 a9 a10 a11
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR9, ((DDR_A15_BDL<<24)|(DDR_A14_BDL<<16)|(DDR_A13_BDL<<8)|(DDR_A12_BDL))); //a12 a13 a14 a15
+ do {
+ _udelay(20);
+ } while(DDR_PGSR0_CHECK());
+ if ((p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set == CONFIG_DDR0_RANK0_ONLY) || \
+ (p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set == CONFIG_DDR0_RANK01_SAME))
+ {
+ unsigned int i=0, j=0;
+ i=(rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX2LCDLR0));
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX2LCDLR0,((i>>8)|(i&(0xffffff00))));
+ i=(((rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX2GTR))>>3)&((7<<0)));
+ j=(((rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX2GTR))>>14)&((3<<0)));
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX2GTR,i|(i<<3)|(j<<12)|(j<<14));
+ i=(rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX2LCDLR2));
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX2LCDLR2,((i>>8)|(i&(0xffffff00))));
+ i=(rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX3LCDLR0));
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX3LCDLR0,((i>>8)|(i&(0xffffff00))));
+ i=(((rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX3GTR))>>3)&((7<<0)));
+ j=(((rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX3GTR))>>14)&((3<<0)));
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX3GTR,i|(i<<3)|(j<<12)|(j<<14));
+ i=(rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX3LCDLR2));
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX3LCDLR2,((i>>8)|(i&(0xffffff00))));
+ i=(rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX0LCDLR0));
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX0LCDLR0,((i<<8)|(i&(0xffff00ff))));
+ i=(((rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX0GTR))<<0)&((7<<0)));
+ j=(((rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX0GTR))>>12)&((3<<0)));
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX0GTR,i|(i<<3)|(j<<12)|(j<<14));
+ i=(rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX0LCDLR2));
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX0LCDLR2,((i<<8)|(i&(0xffff00ff))));
+ i=(rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX1LCDLR0));
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX1LCDLR0,((i<<8)|(i&(0xffff00ff))));
+ i=(((rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX1GTR))<<0)&((7<<0)));
+ j=(((rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX1GTR))>>12)&((3<<0)));
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX1GTR,i|(i<<3)|(j<<12)|(j<<14));
+ i=(rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX1LCDLR2));
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_DX1LCDLR2,((i<<8)|(i&(0xffff00ff))));
+ }
+ if ((p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set == CONFIG_DDR0_RANK0_ONLY) || \
+ (p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set == CONFIG_DDR0_RANK01_SAME) || \
+ (p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set == CONFIG_DDR0_RANK01_DIFF)) {
+ //wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_PGCR2,((((1<<28))|p_ddr_set->t_pub_pgcr2)));
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_PGCR2,(((~(1<<28))&p_ddr_set->t_pub_pgcr2)));
+ }
+ if ((p_ddr_set->ddr_2t_mode) && \
+ (p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set != CONFIG_DDR01_SHARE_AC) && \
+ (((p_ddr_set->t_pub_dcr)&0x7)== 0x3)) {
+ //jiaxing mark----must place after training ,because training is 1t mode ,if delay too much training will not ok
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACLCDLR, 0x1f); //delay cmd/address 2t signle not effect cs cke odt
+ //wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR0, 0x10); //ck0
+ /*
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR1, (0x18<<16)|(0x18<<8)|(0x18)); //ras cas we
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR2, ((0x18<<16)|(0x18<<8)|(0x18))); //ba0 ba1 ba2
+ //wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR3, ((0<<8)|(0))); //cs0 cs1
+ //wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR4, ((0<<8)|(0))); //odt0 odt1
+ //wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR5, ((0<<8)|(0))); //cke0 cke1
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR6, ((0x18<<24)|(0x18<<16)|(0x18<<8)|(0x18))); //a0 a1 a2 a3
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR7, ((0x18<<24)|(0x18<<16)|(0x18<<8)|(0x18))); //a4 a5 a6 a7
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR8, ((0x18<<24)|(0x18<<16)|(0x18<<8)|(0x18))); //a8 a9 a10 a11
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR9, ((0x18<<24)|(0x18<<16)|(0x18<<8)|(0x18))); //a12 a13 a14 a15
+ */
+ }
+ if (ddr0_enabled)
+ wait_set(DDR0_PCTL_CMDTSTAT, 0);
+ if (ddr1_enabled)
+ wait_set(DDR1_PCTL_CMDTSTAT, 0);
+ ////APB_WR(PCTL_PCTL_SCTL, 2); // INIT: 0, CFG: 1, GO: 2, SLEEP: 3, WAKEUP: 4
+ if (ddr0_enabled)
+ if (ddr1_enabled)
+ ////WHILE ((APB_RD(DDR0_PCTL_STAT) & 0x7 ) != 3 ) {}
+ if (ddr0_enabled)
+ if (ddr1_enabled)
+ wr_reg( DDR0_PUB_ZQCR,(rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_ZQCR))|(1<<2));
+ wr_reg( DDR0_PUB_ZQCR,(rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_ZQCR))&(~(1<<2)));
+/* power down zq for power saving */
+ wr_reg( DDR0_PUB_ZQCR,(rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_ZQCR))|(1<<2));
+/* power down phy vref for power saving */
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_IOVCR0, 0);
+ wr_reg(DDR0_PUB_IOVCR1, 0);
+ if (ddr0_enabled) {
+ wr_reg(DMC_REFR_CTRL1, 0X8800191|(0x3<<2)|(0x1<<0));
+ rd_reg(DDR0_PCTL_MCFG);
+ }
+ if (ddr1_enabled) {
+ wr_reg(DMC_REFR_CTRL1, 0X8800191|(0x3<<2)|(0x1<<1));
+ rd_reg(DDR1_PCTL_MCFG);
+ }
+ wr_reg(DMC_REFR_CTRL2, 0X20100000|(p_ddr_set->ddr_clk/20)|(39<<8));
+ return 0;
+void ddr_pre_init(void){
+ /* find match ddr timing */
+ if ((p_ddr_set->ddr_clk >= CONFIG_DDR_CLK_LOW) && (p_ddr_set->ddr_clk < 533)) {
+ p_ddr_set->ddr_timing_ind = CONFIG_DDR_TIMMING_DDR3_7;
+ }
+ else if ((p_ddr_set->ddr_clk >= 533) && (p_ddr_set->ddr_clk < 667)) {
+ p_ddr_set->ddr_timing_ind = CONFIG_DDR_TIMMING_DDR3_9;
+ }
+ else if ((p_ddr_set->ddr_clk >= 667) && (p_ddr_set->ddr_clk < 800)) {
+ p_ddr_set->ddr_timing_ind = CONFIG_DDR_TIMMING_DDR3_11;
+ }
+ else if ((p_ddr_set->ddr_clk >= 800) && (p_ddr_set->ddr_clk < 933)) {
+ p_ddr_set->ddr_timing_ind = CONFIG_DDR_TIMMING_DDR3_13;
+ }
+ else if ((p_ddr_set->ddr_clk >= 933) && (p_ddr_set->ddr_clk < CONFIG_DDR_CLK_HIGH)) {
+ p_ddr_set->ddr_timing_ind = CONFIG_DDR_TIMMING_DDR3_14;
+ }
+ else {
+ serial_puts("DDR clk setting error! Reset...\n");
+ reset_system();
+ }
+ p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_1us_pck = (p_ddr_set->ddr_clk / 2);
+ p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_100ns_pck = (p_ddr_set->ddr_clk / 20);
+ /* get match timing config */
+ unsigned loop;
+ for (loop = 0; loop < (sizeof(__ddr_timming)/sizeof(ddr_timing_t)); loop++) {
+ if (__ddr_timming[loop].identifier == p_ddr_set->ddr_timing_ind) {
+ p_ddr_timing = &__ddr_timming[loop];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (NULL == p_ddr_timing) {
+ serial_puts("Can't find ddr timing setting! Reset...\n");
+ reset_system();
+ }
+ unsigned int ddr_dual_rank_sel = 0;
+ unsigned int ddr_chl_set = 0;
+ if (p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set == CONFIG_DDR0_RANK0_ONLY) {
+ serial_puts("DDR channel setting: DDR0 Rank0 only\n");
+ ddr_chl_set = ((0x2 << 20) | //b'010: BIT22, BIT21, BIT20
+ (0 << 16) | //BIT[17:16], DDR0_DDR1 DATA WIDTH, 0:32BIT, 1:16BIT
+ (1 << 6)); //b'00:DDR0_DDR1, b'01: DDR0_ONLY, b'10:DDR1_ONLY
+ ddr_dual_rank_sel = 0; //SET PGCR2[28], RANK0 AND RANK1 USE SAME RANK SELECT SIGNAL
+ p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_ppcfg = (0xF0 << 1);
+ p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfiodtcfg = 0x0808;
+ }
+ else if (p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set == CONFIG_DDR0_RANK01_SAME) {
+ serial_puts("DDR channel setting: DDR0 Rank0+1 same\n");
+ ddr_chl_set = ((0x4 << 20) | (0 << 16) | (1 << 6));
+ ddr_dual_rank_sel = 1;
+ p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_ppcfg = (0xF0 << 1);
+ p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfiodtcfg = 0x08;
+ }
+ else if (p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set == CONFIG_DDR0_RANK01_DIFF) {
+ serial_puts("DDR channel setting: DDR0 Rank0+1 diff\n");
+ ddr_chl_set = ((0x2 << 20) | (0 << 16) | (1 << 6));
+ ddr_dual_rank_sel = 0;
+ p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_ppcfg = (0xF0 << 1);
+ p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfiodtcfg = 0x08;
+ }
+ else if (p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set == CONFIG_DDR0_ONLY_16BIT) {
+ serial_puts("DDR channel setting: ONLY DDR0 16bit mode\n");
+ ddr_chl_set = ((0x2 << 20) | (3 << 16) | (1 << 6));
+ ddr_dual_rank_sel = 0;
+ //p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_ppcfg = (0xF0 << 1);
+ p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_ppcfg =(0x1fc | 1 );
+ p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfiodtcfg = 0x08;
+ }
+ else if (p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set == CONFIG_DDR01_SHARE_AC) {
+ serial_puts("DDR channel setting: DDR0+1 share ac\n");
+ ddr_chl_set = ((0x1 << 20) | (3 << 16) | (0 << 6));
+ ddr_dual_rank_sel = 1;
+ p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_ppcfg = (0x1fc | 1 );
+ p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfiodtcfg = 0x08;
+ p_ddr_set->ddr_dmc_ctrl |= (5 << 8);
+ p_ddr_set->ddr_2t_mode = 1;
+ }
+ p_ddr_set->ddr_dmc_ctrl |= (ddr_chl_set |
+ (0x5 << 3) | //set to max size
+ (0x5 << 0)); //set to max size
+ /* config t_pub_pgcr2[28] share-ac-dual */
+ p_ddr_set->t_pub_pgcr2 |= (ddr_dual_rank_sel << 28);
+ /* update pctl timing */
+ int tmp_val = 0;
+ tmp_val =( p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cwl + p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_al);
+ tmp_val = (tmp_val - ((tmp_val%2) ? 3:4))/2;
+ p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitphywrlta=tmp_val;
+ tmp_val = p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cl + p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_al;
+ tmp_val = (tmp_val - ((tmp_val%2) ? 3:4))/2;
+ p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitrddataen=tmp_val;
+ //p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitphyrdlat=16;
+ if ((p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cl+p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_al)%2) {
+ p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_dfitphyrdlat=14;
+ }
+ /* update pub mr */
+ p_ddr_set->t_pub_mr[0] = ((((p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cl - 4) & 0x8)>>1) |
+ (((p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cl - 4) & 0x7) << 4) |
+ ((((p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_wr <= 8)?(p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_wr - 4):(p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_wr>>1)) & 7) << 9) |
+ (0x0) | (0x0 << 3) | (0x0 << 7) | (0x0 << 8) | (0x6 << 9) | (1 << 12)),
+ p_ddr_set->t_pub_mr[1] = ( ((p_ddr_set->ddr_drv<<1)|((p_ddr_set->ddr_odt&1)<<2) |
+ (((p_ddr_set->ddr_odt&2)>>1)<<6) |
+ (((p_ddr_set->ddr_odt&4)>>2)<<9) |
+ (1<<7) |
+ ((p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_al ? ((p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cl - p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_al)&3): 0) << 3 ))),
+ p_ddr_set->t_pub_mr[2] = ((1<<6) |
+ (((p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cwl-5)&0x7)<<3)),
+ p_ddr_set->t_pub_mr[3] = 0x0,
+ /* update pub dtpr */
+ p_ddr_set->t_pub_dtpr[0] = (p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rtp |
+ (p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_wtr << 4) |
+ (p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rp << 8) |
+ (p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_ras << 16) |
+ (p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rrd << 22) |
+ (p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rcd << 26));
+ p_ddr_set->t_pub_dtpr[1] = ((p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_mod << 2) |
+ (p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_faw << 5) |
+ (p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rfc << 11) |
+ (p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_wlmrd << 20) |
+ (p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_wlo << 26) |
+ (0 << 30) ); //TAOND
+ p_ddr_set->t_pub_dtpr[2] = (p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_xs |
+ (p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_xp << 10) |
+ (p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_dllk << 19) |
+ (0 << 29) | //TRTODT ADDITIONAL
+ (0 << 30) | //TRTW ADDITIONAL
+ (0 << 31 )); //TCCD ADDITIONAL
+ p_ddr_set->t_pub_dtpr[3] = (0 | (0 << 3) |
+ (p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rc << 6) |
+ (p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_cke << 13) |
+ (p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_mrd << 18) |
+ (0 << 29)); //tAOFDx
+ p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_mcfg = ((p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_mcfg)&(~(0x3<<18))) |
+ (((((p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_faw+p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rrd-1)/p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rrd)-4)&0x3)<<18);
+ p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_mcfg1 |= ((((p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_faw%p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rrd)?(p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rrd-(p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_faw%p_ddr_timing->cfg_ddr_rrd)):0)&0x7)<<8);
+void ddr_test(void){
+ if (memTestDataBus((volatile unsigned int *)(uint64_t) \
+ (p_ddr_set->ddr_base_addr + p_ddr_set->ddr_start_offset))) {
+ serial_puts("DataBus test failed!!!\n");
+ reset_system();
+ }
+ else
+ serial_puts("DataBus test pass!\n");
+ if (memTestAddressBus((volatile unsigned int *)(uint64_t) \
+ (p_ddr_set->ddr_base_addr + p_ddr_set->ddr_start_offset), \
+ ((p_ddr_set->ddr_size << 20) - p_ddr_set->ddr_start_offset))) {
+ serial_puts("AddrBus test failed!!!\n");
+ reset_system();
+ }
+ else
+ serial_puts("AddrBus test pass!\n");
+ if (p_ddr_set->ddr_full_test) {
+ extern void watchdog_disable(void);
+ //disable_mmu_el1();
+ watchdog_disable();
+ if (memTestDevice((volatile unsigned int *)(uint64_t) \
+ (p_ddr_set->ddr_base_addr + p_ddr_set->ddr_start_offset), \
+ ((p_ddr_set->ddr_size << 20) - p_ddr_set->ddr_start_offset))) {
+ serial_puts("Device test failed!!!\n");
+ reset_system();
+ }
+ else
+ serial_puts("Device test pass!\n");
+ }
+#endif// #if MEM_TEST_DEVICE
+#if 0
+unsigned int hot_boot(void){
+ if (((rd_reg(SCRATCH0) >> 24) & 0xFF) == 0x11) {
+ /*hot boot*/
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else{
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/plat/gxb/ddr/ddr_detect.c b/plat/gxb/ddr/ddr_detect.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3b28d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plat/gxb/ddr/ddr_detect.c
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#define SIZE_16MB 0x01000000
+#define DDR_VERI_PATTERN_256M 0
+#define DDR_VERI_PATTERN_512M 0
+#define DDR_VERI_PATTERN_1024M 0xAC7E5AC0
+#define DDR_VERI_PATTERN_2048M 0x1A182515
+#define DDR_VERI_PATTERN_384M 0
+#define DDR_VERI_PATTERN_768M 0
+#define DDR_VERI_PATTERN_1536M 0
+#define DDR_VERI_PATTERN_3072M 0
+#define DDR_SIZE_LOOP_MAX 29
+#define debug_serial_puts(a) serial_puts(a)
+#define debug_serial_put_hex(a, b) serial_put_hex(a, b)
+#define debug_serial_puts(a)
+#define debug_serial_put_hex(a, b)
+void ddr_size_detect(ddr_set_t * p_ddr_set) {
+ /* Set max col, row, bank size */
+ debug_serial_puts("DMC_DDR_CTRL: 0x");
+ debug_serial_put_hex(rd_reg(DMC_DDR_CTRL), 32);
+ debug_serial_puts("\n");
+ wr_reg(DMC_DDR_CTRL, ((rd_reg(DMC_DDR_CTRL))&(~0x3F))|((5<<3)|5));
+ debug_serial_puts("DMC_DDR_CTRL: 0x");
+ debug_serial_put_hex(rd_reg(DMC_DDR_CTRL), 32);
+ debug_serial_puts("\n");
+ uint32_t size_loop=0;
+ uint64_t write_addr=0;
+ uint32_t ddr0_size=0;
+ uint32_t ddr1_size=0;
+ uint32_t ddr0_size_reg=0;
+ uint32_t ddr1_size_reg=0;
+ //first detect aligned size
+ for (size_loop=0; size_loop<=DDR_SIZE_LOOP_MAX; size_loop++) {
+ write_addr = (uint32_t)((0x4<<size_loop)+DDR_SIZE_VERI_ADDR);
+ debug_serial_puts("size_loop1=0x");
+ debug_serial_put_hex(size_loop, 32);
+ debug_serial_puts("\n");
+ wr_reg((unsigned long)DDR_SIZE_VERI_ADDR, 0);
+ debug_serial_puts("write 0x");
+ debug_serial_put_hex(write_addr, 32);
+ debug_serial_puts("\n");
+ wr_reg(write_addr, DDR_SIZE_PATTERN);
+ _udelay(10);
+ debug_serial_puts("rd_reg(0):0x");
+ debug_serial_put_hex(rd_reg(DDR_SIZE_VERI_ADDR), 32);
+ debug_serial_puts(", rd_reg(0x4<<size_loop):0x");
+ debug_serial_put_hex(rd_reg(write_addr), 32);
+ debug_serial_puts("\n");
+ if ((rd_reg(DDR_SIZE_VERI_ADDR) != 0) && (rd_reg(DDR_SIZE_VERI_ADDR) != DDR_SIZE_PATTERN)) {
+ debug_serial_puts("find match size1: 0x");
+ debug_serial_put_hex(size_loop, 32);
+ debug_serial_puts("\n");
+ /* get correct ddr size */
+ p_ddr_set->ddr_size = 1<<(size_loop+2-20); //MB
+ /* set correct dmc cntl reg */
+ unsigned int ddr_one_chl = DDR_USE_1_CHANNEL(p_ddr_set->ddr_channel_set);
+ ddr0_size = (p_ddr_set->ddr_size)>>(7-ddr_one_chl);
+ ddr1_size = ddr_one_chl?0x7:((p_ddr_set->ddr_size)>>7);
+ ddr1_size_reg=ddr_one_chl?0x5:0x0;
+ while (!((ddr0_size>>=1)&0x1))
+ ddr0_size_reg++;
+ while (!((ddr1_size>>=1)&0x1))
+ ddr1_size_reg++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ debug_serial_puts("DMC_DDR_CTRL: 0x");
+ debug_serial_put_hex(rd_reg(DMC_DDR_CTRL), 32);
+ debug_serial_puts("\n");
+ wr_reg(DMC_DDR_CTRL, ((rd_reg(DMC_DDR_CTRL))&(~0x3F))|(ddr1_size_reg<<3|ddr0_size_reg));
+ debug_serial_puts("DMC_DDR_CTRL: 0x");
+ debug_serial_put_hex(rd_reg(DMC_DDR_CTRL), 32);
+ debug_serial_puts("\n");
+ return;
+void ddr_size_detect(ddr_set_t * p_ddr_set) {
+ return;
+#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plat/gxb/ddr/ddr_pctl_define.h b/plat/gxb/ddr/ddr_pctl_define.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..146391b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plat/gxb/ddr/ddr_pctl_define.h
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+ * arch/arm/cpu/armv8/common/firmware/plat/gxb/ddr/ddr_pctl_define.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#define DDR0_PCTL_SCFG 0xc8839000
+#define DDR0_PCTL_SCTL 0xc8839004
+#define DDR0_PCTL_STAT 0xc8839008
+#define DDR0_PCTL_INTRSTAT 0xc883900c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_POWSTAT 0xc8839048
+#define DDR0_PCTL_MRRSTAT0 0xc8839064
+#define DDR0_PCTL_CMDTSTAT 0xc883904c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_MCMD 0xc8839040
+#define DDR0_PCTL_MRRSTAT1 0xc8839068
+#define DDR0_PCTL_MRRCFG0 0xc8839060
+#define DDR0_PCTL_CMDTSTATEN 0xc8839050
+#define DDR0_PCTL_POWCTL 0xc8839044
+#define DDR0_PCTL_PPCFG 0xc8839084
+#define DDR0_PCTL_LPDDR23ZQCFG 0xc883908c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_MCFG1 0xc883907c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_MSTAT 0xc8839088
+#define DDR0_PCTL_MCFG 0xc8839080
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTUAWDT 0xc88390b0
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTUPRD2 0xc88390a8
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTUPRD3 0xc88390ac
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTUNE 0xc883909c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTUPDES 0xc8839094
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTUNA 0xc8839098
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTUPRD0 0xc88390a0
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTUPRD1 0xc88390a4
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TCKSRE 0xc8839124
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TZQCSI 0xc883911c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TINIT 0xc88390c4
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TDPD 0xc8839144
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TOGCNT1U 0xc88390c0
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TCKE 0xc883912c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TMOD 0xc8839130
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TEXSR 0xc883910c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TAL 0xc88390e4
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TRTP 0xc8839100
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TCKSRX 0xc8839128
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TRTW 0xc88390e0
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TCWL 0xc88390ec
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TWR 0xc8839104
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TCL 0xc88390e8
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TDQS 0xc8839120
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TRSTH 0xc88390c8
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TRCD 0xc88390f8
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TXP 0xc8839110
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TOGCNT100N 0xc88390cc
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TMRD 0xc88390d4
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TRSTL 0xc8839134
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TREFI 0xc88390d0
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TRAS 0xc88390f0
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TREFI_MEM_DDR3 0xc8839148
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TWTR 0xc8839108
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TRC 0xc88390f4
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TRFC 0xc88390d8
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TMRR 0xc883913c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TCKESR 0xc8839140
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TZQCL 0xc8839138
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TRRD 0xc88390fc
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TRP 0xc88390dc
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TZQCS 0xc8839118
+#define DDR0_PCTL_TXPDLL 0xc8839114
+#define DDR0_PCTL_ECCCFG 0xc8839180
+#define DDR0_PCTL_ECCLOG 0xc883918c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_ECCCLR 0xc8839188
+#define DDR0_PCTL_ECCTST 0xc8839184
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTUWD0 0xc8839210
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTUWD1 0xc8839214
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTUWACTL 0xc8839200
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTULFSRRD 0xc8839238
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTUWD2 0xc8839218
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTUWD3 0xc883921c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTULFSRWD 0xc8839234
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTURACTL 0xc8839204
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTUWDM 0xc8839220
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTURD0 0xc8839224
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTURD1 0xc8839228
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTURD2 0xc883922c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTURD3 0xc8839230
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTUCFG 0xc8839208
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTUEAF 0xc883923c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DTUECTL 0xc883920c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFIODTCFG1 0xc8839248
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITCTRLDELAY 0xc8839240
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFIODTRANKMAP 0xc883924c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFIODTCFG 0xc8839244
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITPHYWRLAT 0xc8839254
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITPHYWRDATA 0xc8839250
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRDDATAEN 0xc8839260
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITPHYRDLAT 0xc8839264
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITREFMSKI 0xc8839294
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITPHYUPDTYPE0 0xc8839270
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITPHYUPDTYPE1 0xc8839274
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITCTRLUPDDLY 0xc8839288
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITPHYUPDTYPE2 0xc8839278
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITCTRLUPDMIN 0xc8839280
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITPHYUPDTYPE3 0xc883927c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFIUPDCFG 0xc8839290
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITCTRLUPDMAX 0xc8839284
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITCTRLUPDI 0xc8839298
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRRDLVLEN 0xc88392b8
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRSTAT0 0xc88392b0
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRWRLVLEN 0xc88392b4
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRCFG0 0xc88392ac
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRRDLVLGATEEN 0xc88392bc
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFISTSTAT0 0xc88392c0
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFISTPARLOG 0xc88392e0
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITDRAMCLKEN 0xc88392d0
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFISTPARCLR 0xc88392dc
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFISTCFG0 0xc88392c4
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFISTCFG1 0xc88392c8
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFISTCFG2 0xc88392d8
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITDRAMCLKDIS 0xc88392d4
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFILPCFG0 0xc88392f0
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRWRLVLDELAY0 0xc8839318
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRWRLVLDELAY1 0xc883931c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRWRLVLDELAY2 0xc8839320
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRRDLVLRESP0 0xc883930c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRRDLVLRESP1 0xc8839310
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRRDLVLRESP2 0xc8839314
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRWRLVLRESP0 0xc8839300
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRRDLVLDELAY0 0xc8839324
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRRDLVLDELAY1 0xc8839328
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRWRLVLRESP1 0xc8839304
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRRDLVLDELAY2 0xc883932c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRWRLVLRESP2 0xc8839308
+#define DDR0_PCTL_DFITRCMD 0xc883933c
+#define DDR0_PCTL_IPTR 0xc88393fc
+#define DDR0_PCTL_IPVR 0xc88393f8
+#define DDR1_PCTL_SCFG 0xc8839400
+#define DDR1_PCTL_SCTL 0xc8839404
+#define DDR1_PCTL_STAT 0xc8839408
+#define DDR1_PCTL_INTRSTAT 0xc883940c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_POWSTAT 0xc8839448
+#define DDR1_PCTL_MRRSTAT0 0xc8839464
+#define DDR1_PCTL_CMDTSTAT 0xc883944c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_MCMD 0xc8839440
+#define DDR1_PCTL_MRRSTAT1 0xc8839468
+#define DDR1_PCTL_MRRCFG0 0xc8839460
+#define DDR1_PCTL_CMDTSTATEN 0xc8839450
+#define DDR1_PCTL_POWCTL 0xc8839444
+#define DDR1_PCTL_PPCFG 0xc8839484
+#define DDR1_PCTL_LPDDR23ZQCFG 0xc883948c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_MCFG1 0xc883947c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_MSTAT 0xc8839488
+#define DDR1_PCTL_MCFG 0xc8839480
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTUAWDT 0xc88394b0
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTUPRD2 0xc88394a8
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTUPRD3 0xc88394ac
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTUNE 0xc883949c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTUPDES 0xc8839494
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTUNA 0xc8839498
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTUPRD0 0xc88394a0
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTUPRD1 0xc88394a4
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TCKSRE 0xc8839524
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TZQCSI 0xc883951c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TINIT 0xc88394c4
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TDPD 0xc8839544
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TOGCNT1U 0xc88394c0
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TCKE 0xc883952c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TMOD 0xc8839530
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TEXSR 0xc883950c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TAL 0xc88394e4
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TRTP 0xc8839500
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TCKSRX 0xc8839528
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TRTW 0xc88394e0
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TCWL 0xc88394ec
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TWR 0xc8839504
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TCL 0xc88394e8
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TDQS 0xc8839520
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TRSTH 0xc88394c8
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TRCD 0xc88394f8
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TXP 0xc8839510
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TOGCNT100N 0xc88394cc
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TMRD 0xc88394d4
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TRSTL 0xc8839534
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TREFI 0xc88394d0
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TRAS 0xc88394f0
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TREFI_MEM_DDR3 0xc8839548
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TWTR 0xc8839508
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TRC 0xc88394f4
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TRFC 0xc88394d8
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TMRR 0xc883953c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TCKESR 0xc8839540
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TZQCL 0xc8839538
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TRRD 0xc88394fc
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TRP 0xc88394dc
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TZQCS 0xc8839518
+#define DDR1_PCTL_TXPDLL 0xc8839514
+#define DDR1_PCTL_ECCCFG 0xc8839580
+#define DDR1_PCTL_ECCLOG 0xc883958c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_ECCCLR 0xc8839588
+#define DDR1_PCTL_ECCTST 0xc8839584
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTUWD0 0xc8839610
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTUWD1 0xc8839614
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTUWACTL 0xc8839600
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTULFSRRD 0xc8839638
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTUWD2 0xc8839618
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTUWD3 0xc883961c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTULFSRWD 0xc8839634
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTURACTL 0xc8839604
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTUWDM 0xc8839620
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTURD0 0xc8839624
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTURD1 0xc8839628
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTURD2 0xc883962c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTURD3 0xc8839630
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTUCFG 0xc8839608
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTUEAF 0xc883963c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DTUECTL 0xc883960c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFIODTCFG1 0xc8839648
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITCTRLDELAY 0xc8839640
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFIODTRANKMAP 0xc883964c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFIODTCFG 0xc8839644
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITPHYWRLAT 0xc8839654
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITPHYWRDATA 0xc8839650
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRDDATAEN 0xc8839660
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITPHYRDLAT 0xc8839664
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITREFMSKI 0xc8839694
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITPHYUPDTYPE0 0xc8839670
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITPHYUPDTYPE1 0xc8839674
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITCTRLUPDDLY 0xc8839688
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITPHYUPDTYPE2 0xc8839678
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITCTRLUPDMIN 0xc8839680
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITPHYUPDTYPE3 0xc883967c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFIUPDCFG 0xc8839690
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITCTRLUPDMAX 0xc8839684
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITCTRLUPDI 0xc8839698
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRRDLVLEN 0xc88396b8
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRSTAT0 0xc88396b0
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRWRLVLEN 0xc88396b4
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRCFG0 0xc88396ac
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRRDLVLGATEEN 0xc88396bc
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFISTSTAT0 0xc88396c0
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFISTPARLOG 0xc88396e0
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITDRAMCLKEN 0xc88396d0
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFISTPARCLR 0xc88396dc
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFISTCFG0 0xc88396c4
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFISTCFG1 0xc88396c8
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFISTCFG2 0xc88396d8
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITDRAMCLKDIS 0xc88396d4
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFILPCFG0 0xc88396f0
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRWRLVLDELAY0 0xc8839718
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRWRLVLDELAY1 0xc883971c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRWRLVLDELAY2 0xc8839720
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRRDLVLRESP0 0xc883970c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRRDLVLRESP1 0xc8839710
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRRDLVLRESP2 0xc8839714
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRWRLVLRESP0 0xc8839700
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRRDLVLDELAY0 0xc8839724
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRRDLVLDELAY1 0xc8839728
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRWRLVLRESP1 0xc8839704
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRRDLVLDELAY2 0xc883972c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRWRLVLRESP2 0xc8839708
+#define DDR1_PCTL_DFITRCMD 0xc883973c
+#define DDR1_PCTL_IPTR 0xc88397fc
+#define DDR1_PCTL_IPVR 0xc88397f8
diff --git a/plat/gxb/ddr/ddr_pub_define.h b/plat/gxb/ddr/ddr_pub_define.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..471965d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plat/gxb/ddr/ddr_pub_define.h
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+ * arch/arm/cpu/armv8/common/firmware/plat/gxb/ddr/ddr_pub_define.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#define DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE 0xc8836000
+#define DDR0_PUB_RIDR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x00<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_PIR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x01<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_PGCR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x02<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_PGCR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x03<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_PGCR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x04<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_PGCR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x05<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_PGSR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x06<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_PGSR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x07<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_PLLCR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x08<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_PTR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x09<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_PTR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x0A<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_PTR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x0B<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_PTR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x0C<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_PTR4 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x0D<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ACMDLR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x0E<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ACLCDLR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x0F<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x10<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x11<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x12<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x13<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR4 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x14<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR5 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x15<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR6 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x16<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR7 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x17<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR8 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x18<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ACBDLR9 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x19<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ACIOCR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1A<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ACIOCR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1B<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ACIOCR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1C<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ACIOCR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1D<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ACIOCR4 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1E<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ACIOCR5 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1F<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DXCCR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x20<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DSGCR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x21<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DCR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x22<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DTPR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x23<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DTPR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x24<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DTPR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x25<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DTPR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x26<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_MR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x27<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_MR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x28<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_MR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x29<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_MR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x2A<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ODTCR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x2B<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DTCR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x2C<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DTAR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x2D<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DTAR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x2E<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DTAR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x2F<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DTAR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x30<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DTDR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x31<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DTDR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x32<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DTEDR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x33<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DTEDR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x34<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_RDIMMGCR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x35<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_RDIMMGCR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x36<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_RDIMMCR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x37<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_RDIMMCR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x38<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_GPR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x39<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_GPR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x3A<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_CATR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x3B<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_CATR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x3C<<2))
+//0x3D-32'h5F reserved)
+#define DDR0_PUB_DCUAR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x60<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DCUDR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x61<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DCURR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x62<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DCULR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x63<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DCUGCR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x64<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DCUTPR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x65<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DCUSR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x66<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DCUSR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x67<<2))
+//0x68-32'h6F reserved)
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTRR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x70<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTWCR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x71<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTMSKR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x72<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTMSKR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x73<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTMSKR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x74<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTLSR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x75<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTAR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x76<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTAR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x77<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTAR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x78<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTUDPR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x79<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTGSR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x7A<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTWER (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x7B<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTBER0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x7C<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTBER1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x7D<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTBER2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x7E<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTBER3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x7F<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTWCSR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x80<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTFWR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x81<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTFWR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x82<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_BISTFWR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x83<<2))
+//0x84-32'h8D reserved)
+#define DDR0_PUB_IOVCR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x8E<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_IOVCR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x8F<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ZQCR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x90<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ZQ0PR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x91<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ZQ0DR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x92<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ZQ0SR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x93<<2))
+//0x94 reserved)
+#define DDR0_PUB_ZQ1PR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x95<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ZQ1DR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x96<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ZQ1SR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x97<<2))
+//0x98 reserved)
+#define DDR0_PUB_ZQ2PR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x99<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ZQ2DR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x9A<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ZQ2SR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x9B<<2))
+//0x9c reserved)
+#define DDR0_PUB_ZQ3PR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x9D<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ZQ3DR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x9E<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_ZQ3SR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x9F<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0GCR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xA0<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0GCR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xA1<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0GCR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xA2<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0GCR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xA3<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0GSR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xA4<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0GSR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xA5<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0GSR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xA6<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0BDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xA7<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0BDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xA8<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0BDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xA9<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0BDLR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xAA<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0BDLR4 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xAB<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0BDLR5 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xAC<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0BDLR6 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xAD<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0LCDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xAE<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0LCDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xAF<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0LCDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xB0<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0MDLR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xB1<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX0GTR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xB2<<2))
+//0xB4-32'hBF reserved)
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1GCR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xC0<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1GCR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xC1<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1GCR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xC2<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1GCR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xC3<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1GSR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xC4<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1GSR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xC5<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1GSR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xC6<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1BDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xC7<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1BDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xC8<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1BDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xC9<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1BDLR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xCA<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1BDLR4 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xCB<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1BDLR5 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xCC<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1BDLR6 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xCD<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1LCDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xCE<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1LCDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xCF<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1LCDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xD0<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1MDLR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xD1<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX1GTR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xD2<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2GCR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xE0<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2GCR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xE1<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2GCR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xE2<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2GCR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xE3<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2GSR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xE4<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2GSR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xE5<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2GSR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xE6<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2BDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xE7<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2BDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xE8<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2BDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xE9<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2BDLR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xEA<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2BDLR4 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xEB<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2BDLR5 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xEC<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2BDLR6 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xED<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2LCDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xEE<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2LCDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xEF<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2LCDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xF0<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2MDLR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xF1<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX2GTR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0xF2<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3GCR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x100<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3GCR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x101<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3GCR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x102<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3GCR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x103<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3GSR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x104<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3GSR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x105<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3GSR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x106<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3BDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x107<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3BDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x108<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3BDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x109<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3BDLR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x10A<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3BDLR4 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x10B<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3BDLR5 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x10C<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3BDLR6 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x10D<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3LCDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x10E<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3LCDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x10F<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3LCDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x110<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3MDLR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x111<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX3GTR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x112<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4GCR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x120<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4GCR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x121<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4GCR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x122<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4GCR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x123<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4GSR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x124<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4GSR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x125<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4GSR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x126<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4BDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x127<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4BDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x128<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4BDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x129<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4BDLR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x12A<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4BDLR4 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x12B<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4BDLR5 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x12C<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4BDLR6 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x12D<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4LCDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x12E<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4LCDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x12F<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4LCDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x130<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4MDLR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x131<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX4GTR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x132<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5GCR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x140<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5GCR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x141<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5GCR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x142<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5GCR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x143<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5GSR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x144<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5GSR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x145<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5GSR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x146<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5BDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x147<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5BDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x148<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5BDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x149<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5BDLR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x14A<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5BDLR4 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x14B<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5BDLR5 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x14C<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5BDLR6 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x14D<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5LCDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x14E<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5LCDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x14F<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5LCDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x150<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5MDLR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x151<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX5GTR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x152<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6GCR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x160<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6GCR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x161<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6GCR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x162<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6GCR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x163<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6GSR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x164<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6GSR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x165<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6GSR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x166<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6BDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x167<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6BDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x168<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6BDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x169<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6BDLR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x16A<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6BDLR4 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x16B<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6BDLR5 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x16C<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6BDLR6 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x16D<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6LCDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x16E<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6LCDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x16F<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6LCDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x170<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6MDLR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x171<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX6GTR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x172<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7GCR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x180<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7GCR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x181<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7GCR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x182<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7GCR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x183<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7GSR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x184<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7GSR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x185<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7GSR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x186<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7BDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x187<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7BDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x188<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7BDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x189<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7BDLR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x18A<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7BDLR4 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x18B<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7BDLR5 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x18C<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7BDLR6 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x18D<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7LCDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x18E<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7LCDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x18F<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7LCDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x190<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7MDLR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x191<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX7GTR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x192<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8GCR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1A0<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8GCR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1A1<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8GCR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1A2<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8GCR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1A3<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8GSR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1A4<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8GSR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1A5<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8GSR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1A6<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8BDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1A7<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8BDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1A8<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8BDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1A9<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8BDLR3 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1AA<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8BDLR4 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1AB<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8BDLR5 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1AC<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8BDLR6 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1AD<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8LCDLR0 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1AE<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8LCDLR1 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1AF<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8LCDLR2 (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1B0<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8MDLR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1B1<<2))
+#define DDR0_PUB_DX8GTR (DDR0_PUB_REG_BASE+(0x1B2<<2))
diff --git a/plat/gxb/ddr/dmc_define.h b/plat/gxb/ddr/dmc_define.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20a607e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plat/gxb/ddr/dmc_define.h
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+ * arch/arm/cpu/armv8/common/firmware/plat/gxb/ddr/dmc_define.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#define DMC_REG_BASE 0xc8838000
+#define DMC_REQ_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x00 <<2 ))
+ //bit 11. enable dmc request of chan 11. Audio
+ //bit 10. enable dmc request of chan 10. Device.
+ //bit 9. enable dmc request of chan 9. VDEC2
+ //bit 8. enable dmc request of chan 8. HCODEC
+ //bit 7. enable dmc request of chan 7. VDEC
+ //bit 6. enable dmc request of chan 6. VDIN
+ //bit 5. enable dmc request of chan 5. VDISP2
+ //bit 4. enable dmc request of chan 4. VDISP
+ //bit 3. enable dmc request of chan 3. Mali
+ //bit 2. enable dmc request of chan 2. Mali
+ //bit 1. enable dmc request of chan 1. Mali
+ //bit 0. enable dmc request of chan 0. A9
+#define DMC_SOFT_RST (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x01 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_SOFT_RST1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x02 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_RST_STS (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x03 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_RST_STS1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x04 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_VERSION (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x05 <<2 ))
+ //read only default = 1.
+#define DMC_RAM_PD (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x11 <<2 ))
+#define DC_CAV_LUT_DATAL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x12 <<2 ))
+ //low 32 bits of canvas data which need to be configured to canvas memory.
+#define DC_CAV_LUT_DATAH (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x13 <<2 ))
+ //high 32bits of cavnas data which need to be configured to canvas memory.
+#define DC_CAV_LUT_ADDR (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x14 <<2 ))
+ //bit 9:8. write 9:8 2'b10. the canvas data will saved in canvas memory with addres 7:0.
+ //bit 7:0. canvas address.
+#define DC_CAV_LUT_RDATAL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x15 <<2 ))
+#define DC_CAV_LUT_RDATAH (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x16 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_2ARB_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x20 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_REFR_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x23 <<2 ))
+ //bit23:16 tRFC waiting time, when hold nif command after refresh.
+ //bit 9 after refresh, hold nif command enable
+ //bit 8 when refresh req, hold nif command enable
+ //bit 7 dmc to control auto_refresh enable
+ //bit 6:4 refresh number per refresh cycle..
+ //bit 3 pvt enable
+ //bit 2 zqc enable
+ //bit 1 ddr1 auto refresh dmc control select.
+ //bit 0 ddr0 auto refresh dmc control select.
+#define DMC_REFR_CTRL2 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x24 <<2 ))
+ //bit 31:24 tZQCI
+ //bit 23:16 tPVTI
+ //bit 15:8 tREFI
+ //bit 7:0 t100ns
+#define DMC_PARB_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x25 <<2 ))
+ //bit 17. default port1(MALI AXI port) urgent bit.
+ //bit 16 default port0(A9 AXI port ) urgent bit.
+ //bit 15:8 t_ugt_gap. when the consecutive urgent request granted over the t_ugt_wd times, we allow the number of non urgent request was granted by the port arbiter.
+ //bit 7:0. t_ugt_wd.
+#define DMC_MON_CTRL2 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x26 <<2 ))
+ //bit 31. qos_mon_en. write 1 to trigger the enable. polling this bit 0, means finished. or use interrupt to check finish.
+ //bit 30. qos_mon interrupt clear. clear the qos monitor result. read 1 = qos mon finish interrupt.
+ //bit 20. qos_mon_trig_sel. 1 = vsync. 0 = timer.
+ //bit 19:16. qos monitor channel select. select one at one time only.
+ //bit 15:0. port select for the selected channel.
+#define DMC_MON_CTRL3 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x27 <<2 ))
+ // qos_mon_clk_timer. How long to measure the bandwidth.
+#define DMC_MON_ALL_REQ_CNT (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x28 <<2 ))
+ // at the test period, the whole MMC request time.
+#define DMC_MON_ALL_GRANT_CNT (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x29 <<2 ))
+ // at the test period, the whole MMC granted data cycles. 64bits unit.
+#define DMC_MON_ONE_GRANT_CNT (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x2a <<2 ))
+ // at the test period, the granted data cycles for the selected channel and ports.
+#define DMC_CLKG_CTRL0 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x30 <<2 ))
+ //bit 29. enalbe auto clock gating for write rsp generation.
+ //bit 28. enalbe auto clock gating for read rsp generation.
+ //bit 27. enalbe auto clock gating for ddr1 read back data buffer.
+ //bit 26. enalbe auto clock gating for ddr0 read back data buffer.
+ //bit 25. enalbe auto clock gating for ddr1 command filter.
+ //bit 24. enalbe auto clock gating for ddr0 command filter.
+ //bit 23. enalbe auto clock gating for ddr1 write reorder buffer.
+ //bit 22. enalbe auto clock gating for ddr0 write reorder buffer.
+ //bit 21. enalbe auto clock gating for ddr1 write data buffer.
+ //bit 20. enalbe auto clock gating for ddr0 write data buffer.
+ //bit 19. enalbe auto clock gating for ddr1 read reorder buffer.
+ //bit 18. enalbe auto clock gating for ddr0 read reorder buffer.
+ //bit 17. enalbe auto clock gating for read canvas.
+ //bit 16. enalbe auto clock gating for write canvas.
+ //bit 15. enalbe auto clock gating for chan 15.
+ //bit 14. enalbe auto clock gating for chan 14.
+ //bit 13. enalbe auto clock gating for chan 13.
+ //bit 12. enalbe auto clock gating for chan 12.
+ //bit 11. enalbe auto clock gating for chan 11.
+ //bit 10. enalbe auto clock gating for chan 10.
+ //bit 9. enalbe auto clock gating for chan 9.
+ //bit 8. enalbe auto clock gating for chan 8.
+ //bit 7. enalbe auto clock gating for chan 7.
+ //bit 6. enalbe auto clock gating for chan 6.
+ //bit 5. enalbe auto clock gating for chan 5.
+ //bit 4. enalbe auto clock gating for chan 4.
+ //bit 3. enalbe auto clock gating for chan 3.
+ //bit 2. enalbe auto clock gating for chan 2.
+ //bit 1. enalbe auto clock gating for chan 1.
+ //bit 0. enalbe auto clock gating for chan 0.
+#define DMC_CLKG_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x31 <<2 ))
+ //bit 29. force to disalbe the clock of write rsp generation.
+ //bit 28. force to disalbe the clock of read rsp generation.
+ //bit 27. force to disalbe the clock of ddr1 read back data buffer.
+ //bit 26. force to disalbe the clock of ddr0 read back data buffer.
+ //bit 25. force to disalbe the clock of ddr1 command filter.
+ //bit 24. force to disalbe the clock of ddr0 command filter.
+ //bit 23. force to disalbe the clock of ddr1 write reorder buffer.
+ //bit 22. force to disalbe the clock of ddr0 write reorder buffer.
+ //bit 21. force to disalbe the clock of ddr1 write data buffer.
+ //bit 20. force to disalbe the clock of ddr0 write data buffer.
+ //bit 19. force to disalbe the clock of ddr1 read reorder buffer.
+ //bit 18. force to disalbe the clock of ddr0 read reorder buffer.
+ //bit 17. force to disalbe the clock of read canvas.
+ //bit 16. force to disalbe the clock of write canvas.
+ //bit 15. force to disalbe the clock of chan 15.
+ //bit 14. force to disalbe the clock of chan 14.
+ //bit 13. force to disalbe the clock of chan 13.
+ //bit 12. force to disalbe the clock of chan 12.
+ //bit 11. force to disalbe the clock of chan 11.
+ //bit 10. force to disalbe the clock of chan 10.
+ //bit 9. force to disalbe the clock of chan 9.
+ //bit 8. force to disalbe the clock of chan 8.
+ //bit 7. force to disalbe the clock of chan 7.
+ //bit 6. force to disalbe the clock of chan 6.
+ //bit 5. force to disalbe the clock of chan 5.
+ //bit 4. force to disalbe the clock of chan 4.
+ //bit 3. force to disalbe the clock of chan 3.
+ //bit 2. force to disalbe the clock of chan 2.
+ //bit 1. force to disalbe the clock of chan 1.
+ //bit 0. force to disalbe the clock of chan 0.
+#define DMC_CHAN_STS (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x32 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_CMD_FILTER_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x40 <<2 ))
+ //bit 29:20 nugt read buf full access limit
+ //bit 19:10. ugt read access limit.
+ //bit 9:0 nugt read access limit
+#define DMC_CMD_FILTER_CTRL2 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x41 <<2 ))
+ //bit 29:20 ugt read buf full access limit
+ //bit 9:0 nugt write access pending limit
+ //bit 19:10. ugt write access pending limit.
+#define DMC_CMD_FILTER_CTRL3 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x42 <<2 ))
+ //bit 26:22 wbuf high level number
+ //bit 21:17 wbuf mid level number
+ //bit 16:12 wbuf low level number
+ //bit 11:8 rbuf high level number
+ //bit 7:4 rbuf middle level number
+ //bit 3:0 rbuf low level number
+#define DMC_CMD_FILTER_CTRL4 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x43 <<2 ))
+ //bit 24:20. tHIT latency. page hit command latency for next same page not hit command.
+ //bit 19:15. tIDLE latency. page idle command latency for next same page not hit command.
+ //bit 14:10. tMISS latency. page miss command latency for next same page not hit command.
+ //bit 9:0. rbuf idle timer to let the wbuf output.
+#define DMC_CMD_FILTER_CTRL5 (DMC_REG_BASE + ( 0x44 << 2))
+#define DMC_CMD_BUFFER_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x45 <<2 ))
+ //bit 30:25 total write buffer number. default 32.
+ //bit 24:20 total read buffer number. default 16.
+ //bit 19:10 ugt age limit. over this age limit, this read buffer would turn to super urgent.
+ //bit 9:0 nugt age limit. over this age limit, this read buffer would turn to super urgent.
+#define DMC_PCTL_LP_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + ( 0x46 << 2))
+#define DMC_AM0_CHAN_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x60 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM0_HOLD_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x61 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM0_QOS_INC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x62 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM0_QOS_INCBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x63 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM0_QOS_DEC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x64 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM0_QOS_DECBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x65 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM0_QOS_DIS (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x66 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM0_QOS_DISBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x67 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM0_QOS_CTRL0 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x68 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM0_QOS_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x69 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM1_CHAN_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x6a <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM1_HOLD_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x6b <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM1_QOS_INC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x6c <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM1_QOS_INCBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x6d <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM1_QOS_DEC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x6e <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM1_QOS_DECBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x6f <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM1_QOS_DIS (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x70 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM1_QOS_DISBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x71 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM1_QOS_CTRL0 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x72 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM1_QOS_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x73 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM2_CHAN_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x74 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM2_HOLD_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x75 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM2_QOS_INC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x76 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM2_QOS_INCBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x77 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM2_QOS_DEC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x78 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM2_QOS_DECBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x79 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM2_QOS_DIS (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x7a <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM2_QOS_DISBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x7b <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM2_QOS_CTRL0 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x7c <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM2_QOS_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x7d <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM3_CHAN_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x7e <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM3_HOLD_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x7f <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM3_QOS_INC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x80 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM3_QOS_INCBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x81 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM3_QOS_DEC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x82 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM3_QOS_DECBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x83 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM3_QOS_DIS (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x84 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM3_QOS_DISBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x85 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM3_QOS_CTRL0 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x86 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM3_QOS_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x87 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM4_CHAN_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x88 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM4_HOLD_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x89 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM4_QOS_INC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x8a <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM4_QOS_INCBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x8b <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM4_QOS_DEC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x8c <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM4_QOS_DECBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x8d <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM4_QOS_DIS (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x8e <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM4_QOS_DISBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x8f <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM4_QOS_CTRL0 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x90 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM4_QOS_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x91 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM5_CHAN_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x92 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM5_HOLD_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x93 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM5_QOS_INC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x94 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM5_QOS_INCBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x95 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM5_QOS_DEC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x96 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM5_QOS_DECBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x97 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM5_QOS_DIS (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x98 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM5_QOS_DISBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x99 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM5_QOS_CTRL0 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x9a <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM5_QOS_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x9b <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM6_CHAN_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x9c <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM6_HOLD_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x9d <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM6_QOS_INC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x9e <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM6_QOS_INCBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0x9f <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM6_QOS_DEC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xa0 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM6_QOS_DECBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xa1 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM6_QOS_DIS (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xa2 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM6_QOS_DISBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xa3 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM6_QOS_CTRL0 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xa4 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM6_QOS_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xa5 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM7_CHAN_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xa6 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM7_HOLD_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xa7 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM7_QOS_INC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xa8 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM7_QOS_INCBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xa9 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM7_QOS_DEC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xaa <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM7_QOS_DECBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xab <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM7_QOS_DIS (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xac <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM7_QOS_DISBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xad <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM7_QOS_CTRL0 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xae <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AM7_QOS_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xaf <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI0_CHAN_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xb0 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI0_HOLD_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xb1 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI0_QOS_INC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xb2 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI0_QOS_INCBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xb3 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI0_QOS_DEC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xb4 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI0_QOS_DECBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xb5 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI0_QOS_DIS (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xb6 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI0_QOS_DISBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xb7 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI0_QOS_CTRL0 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xb8 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI0_QOS_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xb9 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI1_CHAN_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xba <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI1_HOLD_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xbb <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI1_QOS_INC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xbc <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI1_QOS_INCBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xbd <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI1_QOS_DEC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xbe <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI1_QOS_DECBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xbf <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI1_QOS_DIS (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xc0 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI1_QOS_DISBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xc1 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI1_QOS_CTRL0 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xc2 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI1_QOS_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xc3 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI2_CHAN_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xc4 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI2_HOLD_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xc5 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI2_QOS_INC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xc6 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI2_QOS_INCBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xc7 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI2_QOS_DEC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xc8 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI2_QOS_DECBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xc9 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI2_QOS_DIS (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xca <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI2_QOS_DISBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xcb <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI2_QOS_CTRL0 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xcc <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI2_QOS_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xcd <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI3_CHAN_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xce <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI3_HOLD_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xcf <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI3_QOS_INC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xd0 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI3_QOS_INCBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xd1 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI3_QOS_DEC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xd2 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI3_QOS_DECBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xd3 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI3_QOS_DIS (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xd4 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI3_QOS_DISBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xd5 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI3_QOS_CTRL0 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xd6 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI3_QOS_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xd7 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI4_CHAN_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xd8 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI4_HOLD_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xd9 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI4_QOS_INC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xda <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI4_QOS_INCBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xdb <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI4_QOS_DEC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xdc <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI4_QOS_DECBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xdd <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI4_QOS_DIS (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xde <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI4_QOS_DISBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xdf <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI4_QOS_CTRL0 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xe0 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI4_QOS_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xe1 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI5_CHAN_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xe2 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI5_HOLD_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xe3 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI5_QOS_INC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xe4 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI5_QOS_INCBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xe5 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI5_QOS_DEC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xe6 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI5_QOS_DECBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xe7 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI5_QOS_DIS (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xe8 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI5_QOS_DISBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xe9 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI5_QOS_CTRL0 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xea <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI5_QOS_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xeb <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI6_CHAN_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xec <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI6_HOLD_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xed <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI6_QOS_INC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xee <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI6_QOS_INCBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xef <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI6_QOS_DEC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xf0 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI6_QOS_DECBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xf1 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI6_QOS_DIS (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xf2 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI6_QOS_DISBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xf3 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI6_QOS_CTRL0 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xf4 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI6_QOS_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xf5 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI7_CHAN_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xf6 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI7_HOLD_CTRL (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xf7 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI7_QOS_INC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xf8 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI7_QOS_INCBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xf9 <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI7_QOS_DEC (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xfa <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI7_QOS_DECBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xfb <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI7_QOS_DIS (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xfc <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI7_QOS_DISBK (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xfd <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI7_QOS_CTRL0 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xfe <<2 ))
+#define DMC_AXI7_QOS_CTRL1 (DMC_REG_BASE + (0xff <<2 ))
diff --git a/plat/gxb/ddr/mmc_define.h b/plat/gxb/ddr/mmc_define.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f738d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plat/gxb/ddr/mmc_define.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * arch/arm/cpu/armv8/common/firmware/plat/gxb/ddr/mmc_define.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#define AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL 0xc8836800
+ //bit 31. PLL lock. read only
+ //bit 30. PLL power down. 1 = PLL powerdown. 0 = PLL enable.
+ //bit 29. PLL reset.
+ //bit 28. SSEN
+ //bit 27:24. SS_AMP
+ //bit 23:20. SS_CLK
+ //bit 17:16. OD.
+ //bit 15:14. OD1.
+ //bit 13:9. N.
+ //bit 8:0 M
+#define AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL1 0xc8836804
+ //bit 31:28. DPLL_LM_W
+ //bit 27:22. DPLL_LM_S.
+ //bit 21. DPFD_LMODE
+ //bit 20:19. DC_VC_IN.
+ //bit 18:17. DCO_SDMCK_SEL
+ //bit 16. DCO_M_EN.
+ //bit 15. SDM_PR_EN.
+ //bit 14 DIV_MODE.
+ //bit 13:2 DIV_FRAC
+ //bit 1 AFC_DSEL_BYPASS.
+ //bit 0. AFC_DSEL_IN.
+#define AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL2 0xc8836808
+ //bit 29:26. FILTER_PVT2.
+ //bit 25:22. FILTER PVT1.
+ //bit 21:11. FILTER ACQ2.
+ //bit 10:0. FILTER ACQ1.
+#define AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL3 0xc883680c
+ //bit 31:20. DPLL REVE.
+ //bit 13:6. TDC_BUF.
+ //bit 5. PVT_FIX_EN.
+ //bit 4:3. DCO_IUP.
+ //bit 2. IIR_BYPASS_N.
+ //bit 1 TDC_EN
+#define AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL4 0xc8836810
+ //bit 21:20. DPLL_CLK_EN.
+ //bit 13. DCO_SDM_EN
+ //bit 12. BGP_EN.
+ //bit 11:8. GPB_C
+#define AM_DDR_PLL_STS 0xc8836814
+ //bit 31. DDR_PLL lock.
+ //bit 8:1. DPLL_OUT_RSV
+ //bit 0. AFC DONE.
+#define DDR_CLK_CNTL 0xc8836818
+ //bit 31 ddr_pll_clk enable. enable the clock from DDR_PLL to clock generateion.
+ // whenever change the DDR_PLL frequency, disable the clock, after the DDR_PLL locked, then enable it again.
+ //bit 30. ddr_pll_prod_test_en. enable the clock to clock/32 which to clock frequency measurement and production test pin.
+ //bit 29. ddr_phy_ctl_clk enable.
+ //bit 28. clock generation logic soft reset. 0 = reset.
+ //bit 27. phy_4xclk phase inverter..
+ //bit 26. pll_freq divide/2. 1: use pll div/2 clock as the n_clk. 0: use pll clock as n_clk. this setting is used for the synopsys DDR PHY PLL fast lock mode.
+#define DDR0_CLK_CTRL 0xc8836c00
+//bit 3. force to disable PUB PCLK.
+//bit 2. PUB auto ctrl n_clk clock gating enable. when the DFI_LP_REQ and DFI_LP_ACK detected , auto gated PUB n_clk.
+//bit 1. force to disable PUB PCLK.
+//bit 0. PUB pclk auto clock gating enable. when the IP detected PCTL enter power down mode, use this bit to gating pub pclk.
+#define DDR0_SOFT_RESET 0xc8836c04
+//bit 3. pub n_clk domain soft reset. 1 active.
+//bit 2. pub p_clk domain soft reset.
+#define DDR0_APD_CTRL 0xc8836c08
+//bit 15:8. power down enter latency. when IP checked the dfi_lp_req && dfi_lp_ack, give PCTL and pub additional latency let them settle down, then gating the clock.
+//bit 7:0. no active latency. after c_active_in become to low, wait additional latency to check the pctl low power state.
diff --git a/plat/gxb/ddr/sec_mmc_define.h b/plat/gxb/ddr/sec_mmc_define.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d4508c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plat/gxb/ddr/sec_mmc_define.h
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+ * arch/arm/cpu/armv8/common/firmware/plat/gxb/ddr/sec_mmc_define.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#define DMC_SEC_REG_BASE 0xda838400
+#define DMC_SEC_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x00 <<2))
+ //security range defination have to be atom option. all the range controll register will be shadowed.
+ //write bit 31 to 1 to update the setting in shadow register to be used.
+#define DMC_SEC_RANGE0_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x01 <<2))
+ //bit 31:16 : range 0 end address higher 16bits.
+ //bit 15:0 : range 0 start address higher 16bits.
+#define DMC_SEC_RANGE1_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x02 <<2))
+ //bit 31:16 : range 1 end address higher 16bits.
+ //bit 15:0 : range 1 start address higher 16bits.
+#define DMC_SEC_RANGE2_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x03 <<2))
+ //bit 31:16 : range 2 end address higher 16bits.
+ //bit 15:0 : range 2 start address higher 16bits.
+#define DMC_SEC_RANGE3_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x04 <<2))
+ //bit 31:16 : range 3 end address higher 16bits.
+ //bit 15:0 : range 3 start address higher 16bits.
+#define DMC_SEC_RANGE4_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x05 <<2))
+ //bit 31:16 : range 4 end address higher 16bits.
+ //bit 15:0 : range 4 start address higher 16bits.
+#define DMC_SEC_RANGE5_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x06 <<2))
+ //bit 31:16 : range 5 end address higher 16bits.
+ //bit 15:0 : range 5 start address higher 16bits.
+#define DMC_SEC_RANGE_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x07 <<2))
+ //bit 31:7 : not used
+ //bit 6 : default range security level. 1 : secure region. 0 : non secure region.
+ //bit 5 : range 5 security level. 1 : secure region. 0 : non secure region.
+ //bit 4 : range 4 security level. 1 : secure region. 0 : non secure region.
+ //bit 3 : range 3 security level. 1 : secure region. 0 : non secure region.
+ //bit 2 : range 2 security level. 1 : secure region. 0 : non secure region.
+ //bit 1 : range 1 security level. 1 : secure region. 0 : non secure region.
+ //bit 0 : range 0 security level. 1 : secure region. 0 : non secure region.
+#define DMC_SEC_AXI_PORT_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x0e <<2))
+ //bit 31~24. not used.
+ //bit 23. AXI port3 (HDCP ) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 22. AXI port3 (HDCP ) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 21. AXI port2 (Mali 1) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 20. AXI port2 (Mali 1) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 19. AXI port1 (Mali 0) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 18. AXI port1 (Mali 0) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 17. AXI port0 (CPU) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 16. AXI port0 (CPU) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 15~8. not used.
+ //bit 7. AXI port3 (HDCP ) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 6. AXI port3 (HDCP ) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 5. AXI port2 (Mali 1) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 4. AXI port2 (Mali 1) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 3. AXI port1 (Mali 0) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 2. AXI port1 (Mali 0) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 1. AXI port0 (CPU) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 0. AXI port0 (CPU) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+#define DMC_VDEC_SEC_READ_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x10 <<2))
+ //bit 31. VDEC subID14 ( not used ) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 30. VDEC subID14 ( not used ) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 29. VDEC subID14 ( not used ) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 28. VDEC subID14 ( not used ) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 27. VDEC subID13 ( not used ) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 26. VDEC subID13 ( not used ) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 25. VDEC subID12 ( not used ) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 24. VDEC subID12 ( not used ) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 23. VDEC subID11 ( not used ) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 22. VDEC subID11 ( not used ) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 21. VDEC subID10 ( mbbot ) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 20. VDEC subID10 ( mbbot ) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 19. VDEC subID9 ( not used.) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 18. VDEC subID9 ( not used) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 17. VDEC subID8 ( not used.) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 16. VDEC subID8 ( not used) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 15. VDEC subID7 (dw) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 14. VDEC subID7 (dw) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 13. VDEC subID6 (comb) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 12. VDEC subID6 (comb) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 11. VDEC subID5 (lmem) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 10. VDEC subID5 (lmem) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 9. VDEC subID4 (imem) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 8. VDEC subID4 (imem) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 7. VDEC subID3 (picdc) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 6. VDEC subID3 (picdc) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 5. VDEC subID2 (psc) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 4. VDEC subID2 (psc) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 3. VDEC subID1 (dcac) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 2. VDEC subID1 (dcac) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 1. VDEC subID0 (vld) secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 0. VDEC subID0 (vld) non secure region read access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+#define DMC_VDEC_SEC_WRITE_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x11 <<2))
+ //bit 31. VDEC subID14 ( not used ) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 30. VDEC subID14 ( not used ) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 29. VDEC subID14 ( not used ) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 28. VDEC subID14 ( not used ) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 27. VDEC subID13 ( not used ) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 26. VDEC subID13 ( not used ) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 25. VDEC subID12 ( not used ) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 24. VDEC subID12 ( not used ) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 23. VDEC subID11 ( not used ) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 22. VDEC subID11 ( not used ) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 21. VDEC subID10 ( mbbot ) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 20. VDEC subID10 ( mbbot ) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 19. VDEC subID9 ( not used.) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 18. VDEC subID9 ( not used) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 17. VDEC subID8 ( not used.) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 16. VDEC subID8 ( not used) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 15. VDEC subID7 (dw) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 14. VDEC subID7 (dw) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 13. VDEC subID6 (comb) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 12. VDEC subID6 (comb) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 11. VDEC subID5 (lmem) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 10. VDEC subID5 (lmem) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 9. VDEC subID4 (imem) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 8. VDEC subID4 (imem) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 7. VDEC subID3 (picdc) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 6. VDEC subID3 (picdc) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 5. VDEC subID2 (psc) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 4. VDEC subID2 (psc) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 3. VDEC subID1 (dcac) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 2. VDEC subID1 (dcac) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 1. VDEC subID0 (vld) secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 0. VDEC subID0 (vld) non secure region write access enable bit. 1: enable. 0 : disable.
+#define DMC_VDEC_SEC_CFG (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x12 <<2))
+ //DWC_VDEC_SEC_READ_CTRL and DMC_VDEC_SEC_WRITE_CTRL register APB bus configuation enable. 2 bit for each port. one for read, one for write.
+ //bit 31. VDEC subID15 () To enable APB bus modifiy the write security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 30. VDEC subID14 () To enable APB bus modifiy the write security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 29. VDEC subID13 () To enable APB bus modifiy the write security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 28. VDEC subID12 () To enable APB bus modifiy the write security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 27. VDEC subID11 () To enable APB bus modifiy the write security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 26. VDEC subID10 (mbbot) To enable APB bus modifiy the write security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 25. VDEC subID9 () To enable APB bus modifiy the write security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 24. VDEC subID8 () To enable APB bus modifiy the write security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 23. VDEC subID7 (dw) To enable APB bus modifiy the write security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 22. VDEC subID6 (comb) To enable APB bus modifiy the write security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 21. VDEC subID5 (lmem) To enable APB bus modifiy the write security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 20. VDEC subID4 (imem) To enable APB bus modifiy the write security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 19. VDEC subID3 (picdc) To enable APB bus modifiy the write security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 18. VDEC subID2 (psc) To enable APB bus modifiy the write security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 17. VDEC subID1 (dcac) To enable APB bus modifiy the write security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 16. VDEC subID0 (vld) To enable APB bus modifiy the write security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 15. VDEC subID15 () To enable APB bus modifiy the read security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 14. VDEC subID14 () To enable APB bus modifiy the read security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 13. VDEC subID13 () To enable APB bus modifiy the read security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 12. VDEC subID12 () To enable APB bus modifiy the read security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 11. VDEC subID11 () To enable APB bus modifiy the read security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 10. VDEC subID10 (mbbot) To enable APB bus modifiy the read security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 9. VDEC subID9 () To enable APB bus modifiy the read security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 8. VDEC subID8 () To enable APB bus modifiy the read security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 7. VDEC subID7 (dw) To enable APB bus modifiy the read security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 6. VDEC subID6 (comb) To enable APB bus modifiy the read security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 5. VDEC subID5 (lmem) To enable APB bus modifiy the read security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 4. VDEC subID4 (imem) To enable APB bus modifiy the read security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 3. VDEC subID3 (picdc) To enable APB bus modifiy the read security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 2. VDEC subID2 (psc) To enable APB bus modifiy the read security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 1. VDEC subID1 (dcac) To enable APB bus modifiy the read security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+ //bit 0. VDEC subID0 (vld) To enable APB bus modifiy the read security control bits. 1 : eable the APB modify. 0 : disable APB bus modify.
+#define DMC_VDEC_EF_TRIG_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x13 <<2))
+ // VDEC Electronic fence trigger selection and trigger secure type. 1 bit for trigger select for one read port. 1 bit for trigger type for one read port.
+ //Electronic would be triggered by the read from defined secure level from selected subIDs.
+ //bit 31. trigger type selection for subID15 (). 1 = secure access. 0 : non secure access.
+ //bit 30. trigger type selection for subID14 (). 1 = secure access. 0 : non secure access.
+ //bit 29. trigger type selection for subID13 (). 1 = secure access. 0 : non secure access.
+ //bit 28. trigger type selection for subID12 (). 1 = secure access. 0 : non secure access.
+ //bit 27. trigger type selection for subID11 (). 1 = secure access. 0 : non secure access.
+ //bit 26. trigger type selection for subID10 (). 1 = secure access. 0 : non secure access.
+ //bit 25. trigger type selection for subID9 (). 1 = secure access. 0 : non secure access.
+ //bit 24. trigger type selection for subID8 (). 1 = secure access. 0 : non secure access.
+ //bit 23. trigger type selection for subID7 (dw). 1 = secure access. 0 : non secure access.
+ //bit 22. trigger type selection for subID6 (comb). 1 = secure access. 0 : non secure access.
+ //bit 21. trigger type selection for subID5 (lmem). 1 = secure access. 0 : non secure access.
+ //bit 20. trigger type selection for subID4 (imem). 1 = secure access. 0 : non secure access.
+ //bit 19. trigger type selection for subID3 (picdc). 1 = secure access. 0 : non secure access.
+ //bit 18. trigger type selection for subID2 (psc). 1 = secure access. 0 : non secure access.
+ //bit 17. trigger type selection for subID1 (dcac). 1 = secure access. 0 : non secure access.
+ //bit 16. trigger type selection for subID0 (vld). 1 = secure access. 0 : non secure access.
+ //bit 15. trigger source selection for subID15 (). 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 14. trigger source selection for subID14 (). 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 13. trigger source selection for subID13 (). 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 12. trigger source selection for subID12 (). 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 11. trigger source selection for subID11 (). 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 10. trigger source selection for subID10 (). 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 9. trigger source selection for subID9 (). 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 8. trigger source selection for subID8 (). 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 7. trigger source selection for subID7 (dw). 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 6. trigger source selection for subID6 (comb). 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 5. trigger source selection for subID5 (lmem). 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 4. trigger source selection for subID4 (imem). 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 3. trigger source selection for subID3 (picdc). 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 2. trigger source selection for subID2 (psc). 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 1. trigger source selection for subID1 (dcac). 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 0. trigger source selection for subID0 (vld). 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+#define DMC_VDEC_EF_PROT (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x14 <<2))
+ //to define which subID would be affected if the EF got triggered.
+ //bit 31. EF would affect subID15 () write access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 30. EF would affect subID14 () write access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 29. EF would affect subID13 () write access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 28. EF would affect subID12 () write access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 27. EF would affect subID11 () write access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 26. EF would affect subID10 () write access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 25. EF would affect subID9 () write access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 24. EF would affect subID8 () write access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 23. EF would affect subID7 (dw) write access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 22. EF would affect subID6 (comb) write access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 21. EF would affect subID5 (lmem) write access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 20. EF would affect subID4 (imem) write access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 19. EF would affect subID3 (picdc) write access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 18. EF would affect subID2 (psc) write access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 17. EF would affect subID1 (dcac) write access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 16. EF would affect subID0 (vld) write access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 15. EF would affect subID15 () read access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 14. EF would affect subID14 () read access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 13. EF would affect subID13 () read access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 12. EF would affect subID12 () read access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 11. EF would affect subID11 () read access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 10. EF would affect subID10 () read access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 9. EF would affect subID9 () read access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 8. EF would affect subID8 () read access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 7. EF would affect subID7 (dw) read access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 6. EF would affect subID6 (comb) read access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 5. EF would affect subID5 (lmem) read access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 4. EF would affect subID4 (imem) read access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 3. EF would affect subID3 (picdc) read access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 2. EF would affect subID2 (psc) read access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 1. EF would affect subID1 (dcac) read access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+ //bit 0. EF would affect subID0 (vld) read access secure control. 1 = selected. 0 : not selected.
+#define DMC_VDEC_EF_READ (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x15 <<2))
+ //this register contains the vdec read security control bits after the EF got triggered.
+ //if the DMC_VDEC_EF_PROT register bit 15:0 related bit was enable, then the related secure control bits would be copied to DMC_VDEC_SEC_READ_CTRL related bits.
+#define DMC_VDEC_EF_WRITE (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x16 <<2))
+ //this register contains the vdec write security control bits after the EF got triggered.
+ //if the DMC_VDEC_EF_PROT register bit 15:0 related bit was enable, then the related secure control bits would be copied to DMC_VDEC_SEC_READ_CTRL related bits.
+ //HCODEC security and Electronic fence is same as VDEC with different SUBID define..
+ //subID15:13 : not used.
+ //subID12 : ME.
+ //subID11 : mfdin
+ //subID10 : mcmbot
+ //subID9 : i_pred.
+ //subID8 : qdct
+ //subID7 : vlc
+ //subID6 : comb
+ //subID5 : LMEM
+ //subID4 : IMEM.
+ //subID3 : mcrcc
+ //subID2 : PSC
+ //subID1 : dcac
+ //subID0 : vld
+ //each subID with 2bits. one for secure region. one for unsecure region.
+ //each subID with 2bits. one for secure region. one for unsecure region.
+#define DMC_HCODEC_SEC_CFG (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x19 <<2))
+ //DWC_HCODEC_SEC_READ_CTRL and DMC_HCODEC_SEC_WRITE_CTRL register APB bus configuation enable. 2 bit for each port. one for read, one for write.
+#define DMC_HCODEC_EF_TRIG_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x1a <<2))
+ // HCODEC Electronic fence trigger selection and trigger secure type. 1 bit for trigger select for one read port. 1 bit for trigger type for one read port.
+#define DMC_HCODEC_EF_PROT (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x1b <<2))
+ // HCODEC EF protected access control. each subID 2 bits. one for read one for write.
+#define DMC_HCODEC_EF_READ (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x1c <<2))
+ //the DWC_HCODEC_SEC_READ_CTRL value need to be changed after HCODEC EF fence triggered. once the trigger happens, the DMC_HCODEC_EF_PROT[15:0] bit enabled subIDs value will be copied to DWC_HCODEC_SEC_READ_CTRL register.
+#define DMC_HCODEC_EF_WRITE (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x1d <<2))
+ //the DWC_HCODEC_SEC_WRITE_CTRL value need to be changed after HCODEC EF fence triggered. once the trigger happens, the DMC_HCODEC_EF_PROT[31:16] bit enabled subIDs value will be copied to DWC_HCODEC_SEC_WRITE_CTRL register.
+//HEVC security and electronic fence control is similar with VDEC/HCODE. only difference is in HEVC, the LMEM/IMEM are shared in one SUBID. so we need to have seperate seting for them.
+ //subID 7 : mpred.
+ //subID 6 : dblk_d
+ //subID 5 : dblk_p
+ //subID 4 : ipp
+ //subID 3 : mpp
+ //subID 2 : SAO
+ //subID 1 : stream.
+ //subID 0 : AMRISC CPU. include IMEM and LMEM. AR/WID[3:0] == 0 IMEM. LMEM.
+ //HEVC ID 7. [6:4] for subID.
+#define DMC_HEVC_SEC_READ_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x1e <<2))
+ //bit 31:18. not used.
+ //bit 17. READ secure area eable bit for HEVC subID0 CPU with IDbits 3:0 != 4'h0 read access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 16. READ non secure area eable bit for HEVC subID 0 CPU with IDbits 3:0 != 4'h0 read access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 15. READ secure area eable bit for HEVC subID 7 mpred read access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 14. READ non secure area eable bit for HEVC subID 7 mpred read access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 13. READ secure area eable bit for HEVC subID 6 dblk_d read access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 12. READ non secure area eable bit for HEVC subID 6 dblk_d read access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 11. READ secure area eable bit for HEVC subID 5 dblk_p read access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 10. READ non secure area eable bit for HEVC subID 5 dblk_p read access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 9. READ secure area eable bit for HEVC subID 4 ipp read access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 8. READ non secure area eable bit for HEVC subID 4 ipp read access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 7. READ secure area eable bit for HEVC subID 3 mpp read access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 6. READ non secure area eable bit for HEVC subID 3 mpp read access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 5. READ secure area eable bit for HEVC subID 2 SAO read access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 4. READ non secure area eable bit for HEVC subID 2 SAO read access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 3. READ secure area eable bit for HEVCsubID 1 stream read access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 2. READ non secure area eable bit for HEVC subID 1 stream read access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 1. READ secure area eable bit for HEVC CPU access with ID bit 3:0 = 4'h0. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 0. READ non secure area eable bit for HEVC CPU access with ID bit 3:0 = 4'h0. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+#define DMC_HEVC_SEC_WRITE_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x1f <<2))
+ //bit 31:18. not used.
+ //bit 17. WRITE secure area eable bit for HEVC subID0 CPU with IDbits[7:4] == 4'h1 write access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 16. WRITE non secure area eable bit for HEVC subID 0 CPU IDbits[7:4] == 4'h1 write access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 15. WRITE secure area eable bit for HEVC subID [7:5] ==7 mpred write access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 14. WRITE non secure area eable bit for HEVC subID 7 mpred write access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 13. WRITE secure area eable bit for HEVC subID [7:5] == 6 dblk_d write access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 12. WRITE non secure area eable bit for HEVC subID [7:5] == 6 dblk_d write access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 11. WRITE secure area eable bit for HEVC subID [7:5] == 5 dblk_p write access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 10. WRITE non secure area eable bit for HEVC subID [7:5] == 5 dblk_p write access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 9. WRITE secure area eable bit for HEVC subID [7:5] == 4 ipp write access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 8. WRITE non secure area eable bit for HEVC subID [7:5] == 4 ipp write access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 7. WRITE secure area eable bit for HEVC subID [7:5] == 3 mpp write access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 6. WRITE non secure area eable bit for HEVC subID [7:5] == 3 mpp write access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 5. WRITE secure area eable bit for HEVC subID [7:5] == 2 SAO write access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 4. WRITE non secure area eable bit for HEVC subID 2 SAO write access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 3. WRITE secure area eable bit for HEVCsubID [7:5] == 1 stream write access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 2. WRITE non secure area eable bit for HEVC subID [7:5] == 1 stream write access. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 1. WRITE secure area eable bit for HEVC CPU access with ID bit 7 :4 = 4'h0. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+ //bit 0. WRITE non secure area eable bit for HEVC CPU access with ID bit 7:4 = 4'h0. 1 : enable. 0 : disable.
+#define DMC_HEVC_SEC_CFG (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x20 <<2))
+ //24:16 9 CBUS modfiy enable bit for 9 write secure cotnrol SUBIDs
+ // 8:0. 9 CBUS modify enable bit for 9 READ secure control SUBIDs.
+#define DMC_HEVC_EF_TRIG_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x21 <<2))
+ //bit 24:16. 9 HEVC EF trigger selection type for 9 SUBID read access.
+ //bit 8:0. 9 HEVC EF trigger selection for 9 SUBID read acess.
+#define DMC_HEVC_EF_PROT (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x22 <<2))
+ //bit 24:16. 9 HEVC EF controlled write subID selection.
+ //bit 8:0. 9 HEVC EF controlled read subIDs selection.
+#define DMC_HEVC_EF_READ (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x23 <<2))
+ //bit 17:0. DWC_HEVC_SEC_READ_CTRL value need to be changed after HEVC EF fence triggered.
+#define DMC_HEVC_EF_WRITE (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x24 <<2))
+ //bit 17:0. DWC_HEVC_SEC_WRITE_CTRL value need to be changed after HEVC EF fence triggered.
+//there are upto 16 read subID inside VPU and dynamic allocated 3 VPU read ports.
+//there are upto 16 write subIDs insdie VPU and dynamic allocated 2 VPU write ports
+//there are 3 electronic fences for VPU domain. we can allocated any of those 16 read ports as the trigger of the 3 EF.
+//the 3 EF also can control any of those read ports and write ports security levels.
+//the Software should make sure there's no conflit setting between these 3 EFs.
+#define DMC_VPU_SEC_READ_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x32 <<2))
+//bit 31:0. each read subID have 2 bits securty control. one is for seucre area access. one is for unsecure aread access.
+#define DMC_VPU_SEC_WRITE_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x33 <<2))
+//bit 31:0. each write subID have 2 bits securty control. one is for seucre area access. one is for unsecure aread access.
+#define DMC_VPU_SEC_CFG (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x25 <<2))
+ //31:16 enable APB bus configure VPU write SubIDs security contrl register DMC_VPU_SEC_WRITE_CTRL.
+ //15:0 enable APB bus configure for VPU read SubIDs security control register. DMC_VPU_SEC_READ_CTRL
+#define DMC_VPU_EF0_TRIG_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x26 <<2))
+ //31:16. VPU EF0 trigger selection read source type.
+ //15:0. VPU EF0 trigger selection read source select.
+#define DMC_VPU_EF0_PROT (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x27 <<2))
+ //bit 24:16. 16 VPU EF0 controlled write subIDs selection.
+ //bit 15:0. 16 VPU EF0 controlled read subIDs selection.
+#define DMC_VPU_EF0_READ (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x28 <<2))
+ //EF0 controlled DMC_VPU_SEC_READ_CTRL.
+#define DMC_VPU_EF0_WRITE (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x29 <<2))
+ //EF0 controlled DMC_VPU_SEC_WRITE_CTRL.
+#define DMC_VPU_EF1_TRIG_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x2a <<2))
+ //31:16. VPU EF1 trigger selection read source type.
+ //15:0. VPU EF1 trigger selection read source select.
+#define DMC_VPU_EF1_PROT (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x2b <<2))
+ //bit 24:16. 16 VPU EF1 controlled write subIDs selection.
+ //bit 15:0. 16 VPU EF1 controlled read subIDs selection.
+#define DMC_VPU_EF1_READ (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x2c <<2))
+ //EF1 controlled DMC_VPU_SEC_READ_CTRL.
+#define DMC_VPU_EF1_WRITE (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x2d <<2))
+ //EF1 controlled DMC_VPU_SEC_WRITE_CTRL.
+#define DMC_VPU_EF2_TRIG_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x2e <<2))
+ //31:16. VPU EF2 trigger selection read source type.
+ //15:0. VPU EF2 trigger selection read source select.
+#define DMC_VPU_EF2_PROT (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x2f <<2))
+ //bit 24:16. 16 VPU EF2 controlled write subIDs selection.
+ //bit 15:0. 16 VPU EF2 controlled read subIDs selection.
+#define DMC_VPU_EF2_READ (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x30 <<2))
+ //EF2 controlled DMC_VPU_SEC_READ_CTRL.
+#define DMC_VPU_EF2_WRITE (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x31 <<2))
+ //EF2 controlled DMC_VPU_SEC_WRITE_CTRL.
+ //GE2D is seperated port in GX.
+#define DMC_GE2D_SEC_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x34 <<2))
+ //bit 31:22 NOT USED.
+ //bit 21:16. GE2D secure control after EF triggered.
+ //bit 14:12 GE2D EF proection selection after EF triggered..
+ //bit 11:10 GE2D Electronic fence trigger read source secure type selection.
+ //bit 9:8 GE2D Electronic fence trigger read source selection.
+ //bit 5:4. GE2D write destination 2 secruity control bits.
+ //bit 3:2. GE2D read source 2 secruity control bits.
+ //bit 1:0. GE2D read source 1 secruity control bits.
+#define DMC_PARSER_SEC_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x35 <<2))
+ //bit 11:8. Pasrese write and read security contrl bits after EF triggered.
+ //bit 7:6. Parser EF trigger protection enable.
+ //bit 5. Parser EF trigger read source type.
+ //bit 4 Pasrer EF trigger read source enable.
+ //bit 3:2. Parser write security control bits.
+ //bit 1:0. Parser read security control bits.
+#define DMC_DEV_SEC_READ_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x36 <<2))
+ //16 device subID read access security control bits. each subID 2 bits.
+#define DMC_DEV_SEC_WRITE_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x37 <<2))
+ //16 device subID write access security control bits. each subID 2 bits.
+//2 DES key one for secure region and one for non-secure region.
+#define DMC_DES_KEY0_H (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x90 <<2))
+#define DMC_DES_KEY0_L (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x91 <<2))
+ //64bits data descrable key for security level 0 ( DES key)
+#define DMC_DES_KEY1_H (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x92 <<2))
+#define DMC_DES_KEY1_L (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x93 <<2))
+ //64bits data descrable key for security level 1( DES key)
+#define DMC_DES_PADDING (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x9a <<2))
+ //32bits address padding used for DES data generation.
+#define DMC_CA_REMAP_L (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x9b <<2))
+#define DMC_CA_REMAP_H (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0x9c <<2))
+ //This is a 16x4 address remap look up table.
+ //the column address bit 7:4 would be the index input and be replace with the value stored in these register.
+ //bit 63:60: new address for index 15
+ //bit 59:56: new address for index 14
+ //bit 55:52: new address for index 13
+ //bit 51:48: new address for index 12
+ //bit 47:44: new address for index 11
+ //bit 43:40: new address for index 10
+ //bit 39:36: new address for index 9
+ //bit 35:32: new address for index 8
+ //bit 31:28: new address for index 7
+ //bit 27:24: new address for index 6
+ //bit 23:20: new address for index 5
+ //bit 19:16: new address for index 4
+ //bit 15:12: new address for index 3
+ //bit 11:8: new address for index 2
+ //bit 7:4: new address for index 1
+ //bit 3:0: new address for index 0
+// two range protection function.
+#define DMC_PROT0_RANGE (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xa0 <<2))
+ //protection 0 address range. the range define is 64Kbyte boundary. current address [31:16] >= start address && current address [31:16] <= end address.
+ //bit 31:16 : range end address.
+ //bit 15:0 : range start address
+#define DMC_PROT0_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xa1 <<2))
+ //bit 19. protection 0 for write access enable bit.
+ //bit 18. protection 0 for read access enable bit.
+ //bit 17. protection 0 write access block function. if enabled, the access wouldn't write to the DDR SDRAM. if not enabled only generate a interrupt, but the access still wrote to DDR.
+ //bit 16. not used.
+ //bit 15:0 each bit to enable one of the 15 channel input for the protection function.
+#define DMC_PROT1_RANGE (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xa2 <<2))
+ //protection 1 address range. the range define is 64Kbyte boundary. current address [31:16] >= start address && current address [31:16] <= end address.
+ //bit 31:16 : range end address.
+ //bit 15:0 : range start address
+#define DMC_PROT1_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xa3 <<2))
+ //bit 19. protection 1 for write access enable bit.
+ //bit 18. protection 1 for read access enable bit.
+ //bit 17. protection 1 write access block function. if enabled, the access wouldn't write to the DDR SDRAM. if not enabled only generate a interrupt, but the access still wrote to DDR.
+//two data point
+#define DMC_WTCH0_D0 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xa4 <<2))
+ //WTCH0 will watch upto 128bits data access.
+#define DMC_WTCH0_D1 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xa5 <<2))
+#define DMC_WTCH0_D2 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xa6 <<2))
+#define DMC_WTCH0_D3 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xa7 <<2))
+ // the watch point 0 data {d3, d2,d1,d0}
+#define DMC_WTCH0_RANGE (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xa8 <<2))
+ //address range. 64Kbyte boundary.
+ // 31:16 start address high 16.
+ // 15:0 start address high 16.
+#define DMC_WTCH0_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xa9 <<2))
+ //bit 31:16. 16bits write data strb.
+ //bit 15:0. 16bits input channels select.
+#define DMC_WTCH0_CTRL1 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xaa <<2))
+ //bit 2. watch point 0 enable.
+ //bit 1:0. watch point0 type. 2'b00 : double bytes. only watchpoint data 15:0 and data strb 1:0 is valid. 2'b01: 4 bytes. 2'b10: 8 bytes. 2'b11, all 16bytes.
+#define DMC_WTCH1_D0 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xab <<2))
+#define DMC_WTCH1_D1 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xac <<2))
+#define DMC_WTCH1_D2 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xad <<2))
+#define DMC_WTCH1_D3 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xae <<2))
+ // the watch point 1 data {d3, d2,d1,d0}
+#define DMC_WTCH1_RANGE (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xaf <<2))
+ //address range. 64Kbyte boundary.
+ // 31:16 start address high 16.
+ // 15:0 start address high 16.
+#define DMC_WTCH1_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xb0 <<2))
+ //bit 31:16. 16bits write data strb.
+ //bit 15:0. 16bits input channels select.
+#define DMC_WTCH1_CTRL1 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xb1 <<2))
+ //bit 2. watch point 0 enable.
+ //bit 1:0. watch point0 type. 2'b00 : double bytes. only watchpoint data 15:0 and data strb 1:0 is valid. 2'b01: 4 bytes. 2'b10: 8 bytes. 2'b11, all 16bytes.
+//trap function: all the enable the port ID read access or enable PORT ID and subID read access must be in the predefine range. otherwire the read access would be blocked.
+// and an error will be generated.
+#define DMC_TRAP0_RANGE (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xb2 <<2))
+ // address trap0 range register.
+ //31:16. trap0 end address
+ //15:0 start0 address.
+#define DMC_TRAP0_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xb3 <<2))
+ //bit 30 trap0 port ID 2 enable.
+ //bit 29 trap0 port ID 1 enable.
+ //bit 28 trap0 port ID 0 enable.
+ //bit 27 trap0 port ID 2 subid enable.
+ //bit 26 trap0 port ID 1 subid enable.
+ //bit 25 trap0 port ID 0 subid enable.
+ //bit 23:20. trap0 port port ID 2 channel ID number.
+ //bit 19:16. trap0 port port ID 2 subID ID number.
+ //bit 15:12. trap0 port ID 1 ID number.
+ //bit 11:8. trap0 port ID 1 subID ID number.
+ //bit 7:4. trap0 port ID 0 ID number.
+ //bit 3:0. trap0 port ID 0 subID ID number.
+#define DMC_TRAP1_RANGE (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xb4 <<2))
+ //address trap range register.
+ //31:16. trap end address
+ //15:0 start address.
+#define DMC_TRAP1_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xb5 <<2))
+ //bit 30 trap1 port ID 2 enable.
+ //bit 29 trap1 port ID 1 enable.
+ //bit 28 trap1 port ID 0 enable.
+ //bit 27 trap1 port ID 2 subid enable.
+ //bit 26 trap1 port ID 1 subid enable.
+ //bit 25 trap1 port ID 0 subid enable.
+ //bit 23:20. trap1 port port ID 2 channel ID number.
+ //bit 19:16. trap1 port port ID 2 subID ID number.
+ //bit 15:12. trap1 port ID 1 ID number.
+ //bit 11:8. trap1 port ID 1 subID ID number.
+ //bit 7:4. trap1 port ID 0 ID number.
+ //bit 3:0. trap1 port ID 0 subID ID number.
+//registers to check the security protection and watch point error information.
+#define DMC_SEC_STATUS (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xb6 <<2))
+#define DMC_VIO_ADDR0 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xb7 <<2))
+ //ddr0 write secure violation address.
+#define DMC_VIO_ADDR1 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xb8 <<2))
+ //22 secure check violation.
+ //21 protection 1 vilation.
+ //20 protection 0 vilation.
+ //19:18. not use.d
+ //17 ddr0 write address overflow. write out of DDR size.
+ //16:14. ddr0 write violation AWPROT bits.
+ //13:0 ddr0_write violation ID.
+#define DMC_VIO_ADDR2 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xb9 <<2))
+ //ddr1 write seure violation address
+#define DMC_VIO_ADDR3 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xba <<2))
+ //22 ddr1 write secure check violation.
+ //21 ddr1 write protection 1 vilation.
+ //20 ddr1 write protection 0 vilation.
+ //19 ddr1 watch 1 catch
+ //18. ddr1 watch 0 catch.
+ //17 ddr1 write address overflow. write out of DDR size.
+ //16:14. ddr1 write violation AWPROT bits.
+ //13:0 ddr1_write violation ID.
+#define DMC_VIO_ADDR4 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xbb <<2))
+ //ddr0 read seure violation address
+#define DMC_VIO_ADDR5 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xbc <<2))
+ //22 ddr0 read secure check violation.
+ //21 ddr0 read protection 1 violation.
+ //20 ddr0 read protection 0 violation.
+ //19 ddr0 read trap1 violation
+ //18 ddr0 read trap0 violation
+ //17 ddr 0 read address overflow. write out of DDR size.
+ //16:14. ddr 0 read violation ARPROT bits.
+ //13:0 ddr 0 read violation ID.
+#define DMC_VIO_ADDR6 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xbd <<2))
+ //ddr1 read seure violation address
+#define DMC_VIO_ADDR7 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xbe <<2))
+ //22 ddr1 read secure check violation.
+ //21 ddr1 read protection 1 violation.
+ //20 ddr1 read protection 0 violation.
+ //19 ddr1 read trap1 violation
+ //18 ddr1 read trap0 violation
+ //17 ddr 1 read address overflow. write out of DDR size.
+ //16:14. ddr 1 read violation ARPROT bits.
+ //13:0 ddr 1 read violation ID.
+//each row bank and rank address can be selected from any address.
+#define DDR0_ADDRMAP_4 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xd4 <<2))
+ //29:25 rank select.
+ //24:20 ba3 //for bank group or 16banks..
+ //19:15 ba2.
+ //14:10 ba1.
+ //9:5 ba0.
+ //4:0 ra15.
+#define DDR0_ADDRMAP_3 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xd3 <<2))
+ //29:25 ra14.
+ //24:20 ra13.
+ //19:15 ra12.
+ //14:10 ra11.
+ //9:5 ra10.
+ //4:0 ra9.
+#define DDR0_ADDRMAP_2 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xd2 <<2))
+ //29:25 ra8.
+ //24:20 ra7.
+ //19:15 ra6.
+ //14:10 ra5.
+ //9:5 ra4.
+ //4:0 ra3.
+#define DDR0_ADDRMAP_1 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xd1 <<2))
+ //29:25 ra2.
+ //24:20 ra1.
+ //19:15 ra0.
+ //14:10 ca11.
+ //9:5 ca10.
+ //4:0 ca9.
+#define DDR0_ADDRMAP_0 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xd0 <<2))
+ //29:25 ca8.
+ //24:20 ca7.
+ //19:15 ca6.
+ //14:10 ca5.
+ //9:5 ca4.
+ //4:0 ca3.
+#define DDR1_ADDRMAP_4 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xd9 <<2))
+ //29:25 rank select.
+ //24:20 ba3 //for bank group or 16banks..
+ //19:15 ba2.
+ //14:10 ba1.
+ //9:5 ba0.
+ //4:0 ra15.
+#define DDR1_ADDRMAP_3 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xd8 <<2))
+ //29:25 ra14.
+ //24:20 ra13.
+ //19:15 ra12.
+ //14:10 ra11.
+ //9:5 ra10.
+ //4:0 ra9.
+#define DDR1_ADDRMAP_2 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xd7 <<2))
+ //29:25 ra8.
+ //24:20 ra7.
+ //19:15 ra6.
+ //14:10 ra5.
+ //9:5 ra4.
+ //4:0 ra3.
+#define DDR1_ADDRMAP_1 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xd6 <<2))
+ //29:25 ra2.
+ //24:20 ra1.
+ //19:15 ra0.
+ //14:10 ca11.
+ //9:5 ca10.
+ //4:0 ca9.
+#define DDR1_ADDRMAP_0 (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xd5 <<2))
+ //29:25 ca8.
+ //24:20 ca7.
+ //19:15 ca6.
+ //14:10 ca5.
+ //9:5 ca4.
+ //4:0 ca3.
+#define DMC_DDR_CTRL (DMC_SEC_REG_BASE + (0xda <<2))
+ //bit 22. rank1 is same as rank0. only in not shared-AC mdoe. and chan0 second rank not selected. that's means still in rank0 32bits mode.
+ //bit 21. channel0 second rank selection enable. only in not shared-AC mode.
+ //bit 20. Shared AC mode.
+ //bit 19 :18 must be 0 always. becasue we'll use 32bits PHY data.
+ //bit 19: DDR channel 1 16bits data interface. 1 : 16bits data inteface. 0 : 32bits data interface
+ //bit 18: DDR channel 0 16bits data interface. 1 : 16bits data inteface. 0 : 32bits data interface
+ //bit 17: for DDR channel 1. 1: only use 16bits data in a 32bits phy data interface. 0: normal 32bits data interface.
+ //bit 16. for DDR channel 0. 1: only use 16bits data in a 32bits phy data interface. 0: normal 32bits data interface.
+ //bit 10:8 channel bit selection in shared range.
+ //bit 7. DDR1_ONLY. 1: DDR channel 1 only. when both channel 0 and 1 in the design. 0 : normal.
+ //bit 6. DDR0_ONLY. 1: DDR channel 0 only. when both channel 0 and 1 in the design. 0 : normal.
+ //bit 5:3 : DDR channel 1 size.
+ //3'b000 : DDR channel 1 is 128MB.
+ //3'b001 : DDR channel 1 is 256MB.
+ //3'b010 : DDR channel 1 is 512MB.
+ //3'b011 : DDR channel 1 is 1GB.
+ //3'b100 : DDR channel 1 is 2GB.
+ //3'b101 : DDR channel 1 is 4GB.
+ //others : reserved.
+ //bit 2:0 : DDR channel 0 size.
+ //3'b000 : DDR channel 0 is 128MB.
+ //3'b001 : DDR channel 0 is 256MB.
+ //3'b010 : DDR channel 0 is 512MB.
+ //3'b011 : DDR channel 0 is 1GB.
+ //3'b100 : DDR channel 0 is 2GB.
+ //3'b101 : DDR channel 0 is 4GB.
+ //others : reserved. \ No newline at end of file